a TigerRAWk Film
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Destroy Nate Allen's Official Music Video for "Vegetables"
The official music video for "Vegetables" by Destroy Nate Allen is now available on their YouTube channel as well as at the High Endurance Records website.
This video consists of clips from Destroy Nate Allen's 2012 full US Tour documented in another blog. This took me all through the summer to finish after the editing & documenting of each show. As I documented those shows, I would also create a file of the footage of just the song "Vegetables" from each performance. I would also create another file if there was something that would catch my eye from another part of the show that I felt might work well in this video...be it dance moves, crowd or band reactions...anything that felt right. As I went along, I started getting the idea to built an intro from the beginning of the shows as well as something to end the video with from the end of some of the shows. This would be the intro & outro to this music video...it was my "artistic" liberty that I'm glad Nate & Tessa didn't ask to be cut, ha!
I would watch The Vegetables clips through sometimes several times each...Nate had asked me to capture the unique dance moves from each night so I did that as much as I could. I tried to sync up certain parts to the lyrics of the song as well. I probably drove my wife nuts having to hear the song so many times...and more as I started to put the clips into place. Thankfully, she is a fan of Destroy Nate Allen & we are all friends so I think she handled it pretty well...hahaha!
The "bicycles" scene was the first part I worked though...I found all the clips I could of people miming the riding of bicycles & used as many of the clips that I could to fit into this section I had to use the clip I had of a guy on a unicycle in this. Next up, I worked through the "hardcore breakdown" getting the best "pit moves" I could find. Other parts I focused on were people miming what appeared to be shopping, a guy using actual exercise equipment, & the guy who decided to do pushups. I felt each of these were highlight moments...some even were mentioned by Nate & Tessa during the shows. I did try to get as many different clips of as many different shows as I could. Some did stand out more than others so some shows are represented better than others. Overall, I felt I did the best I could when it was done. I gave it a couple days before I sent it off to Nate & Tessa...I wanted to ensure I was satisfied with what I created first while remaining open to constructive criticisms & making any edits or adjustments they may feel needed to be done. Nate did give me a few ideas he would like to see done differently & those changes were made over a week...as each change was made, a new file was sent to Nate for his approval. Some changes were removed if it was found to not be as appealing while other changes were made as needed. I believe it was toward the end of September when the final approved file was created & sent to Nate to be uploaded.
Now it is available for all to see!!
This was a lot of fun to work on & I hope to do something like this again one day soon! I am thankful for the opportunity Nate & Tessa gave me with this.
Here is the blog I wrote about working through the footage from the 2012 Full US Destroy Nate Allen Tour which includes the playlist of the tour footage as well as that of bands who played on tour dates with Destroy Nate Allen.
All this has been the first official work I've gotten to do for others & I am happy it turned out well enough for it to be used. Enjoy!
UPDATED: Destroy Nate Allen - Full USA Tour from the Fall of 2012
Doing these videos & booking shows over that years has allowed for opportunities to open up for me recently.
One of those has been to go through the archives of video footage filmed by fans from the last US tour by Destroy Nate Allen which occurred 3 and 1/2 years ago in 2012 & upload them to the Destroy Nate Allen Youtube channel. As of June 27th, I have finished editing, documenting the set lists, & uploading each show from this tour. Here is the playlist of that tour:
Because the footage is by fans, the video quality is not always the greatest (for instance, quite often the camera work is shaky) but each show is documented to the best of the ability of both Destroy Nate Allen and the fans. As I understand it, Nate wanted to get this footage out to the fans who attended these shows for quite some time, he just hasn't had the time to go through all the footage which was filmed over a 3 month tour & upload it. So that is what I have done so far. More or less, in this case, my job has been to find the best starting & ending points (cutting the excess footage as necessary), adding a title which includes the date & location of the shows, & making the set list for each night to include in the video information on YouTube.
This project, though time consuming, was interesting & fun. It was cool to see the crowd interaction in the different parts of the country as well as see some folks I happen to know at the different shows. I learned a few new things while working through this project as well. I had to convert the files in different ways than I had before to be able to do the editing but it now should make it possible for me to edit other projects in the future that will be coming along now having this knowledge.
I am also going to attempt to make a music video compiling clips from each performance of the song "Vegetables" from this tour after I have gone through all the footage. I hope it will turn out well. This is yet to be done but I hope to have it done soon. That will come in a future update.
I also edited footage captured of some of the bands that played with Destroy Nate Allen while on this tour. I added this footage into a previously made playlist titled "Friends of Destroy Nate Allen" which is linked below:
Anyway, hope you enjoy this project I am doing for someone other than myself for a change...especially if you are a fan of Destroy Nate Allen.
JUST ADDED!! The official music video for "Vegetables" by Destroy Nate Allen is now available on their YouTube channel as well as at the High Endurance Records website. This video consists of clips from the 2012 full US Tour documented above. This took through the summer to finish & is now public for all to see.
All this has been the first official work I've gotten to do for others & I am happy it turned out well enough for it to be used. Enjoy!
One of those has been to go through the archives of video footage filmed by fans from the last US tour by Destroy Nate Allen which occurred 3 and 1/2 years ago in 2012 & upload them to the Destroy Nate Allen Youtube channel. As of June 27th, I have finished editing, documenting the set lists, & uploading each show from this tour. Here is the playlist of that tour:
Because the footage is by fans, the video quality is not always the greatest (for instance, quite often the camera work is shaky) but each show is documented to the best of the ability of both Destroy Nate Allen and the fans. As I understand it, Nate wanted to get this footage out to the fans who attended these shows for quite some time, he just hasn't had the time to go through all the footage which was filmed over a 3 month tour & upload it. So that is what I have done so far. More or less, in this case, my job has been to find the best starting & ending points (cutting the excess footage as necessary), adding a title which includes the date & location of the shows, & making the set list for each night to include in the video information on YouTube.
This project, though time consuming, was interesting & fun. It was cool to see the crowd interaction in the different parts of the country as well as see some folks I happen to know at the different shows. I learned a few new things while working through this project as well. I had to convert the files in different ways than I had before to be able to do the editing but it now should make it possible for me to edit other projects in the future that will be coming along now having this knowledge.
I am also going to attempt to make a music video compiling clips from each performance of the song "Vegetables" from this tour after I have gone through all the footage. I hope it will turn out well. This is yet to be done but I hope to have it done soon. That will come in a future update.
I also edited footage captured of some of the bands that played with Destroy Nate Allen while on this tour. I added this footage into a previously made playlist titled "Friends of Destroy Nate Allen" which is linked below:
Anyway, hope you enjoy this project I am doing for someone other than myself for a change...especially if you are a fan of Destroy Nate Allen.
JUST ADDED!! The official music video for "Vegetables" by Destroy Nate Allen is now available on their YouTube channel as well as at the High Endurance Records website. This video consists of clips from the 2012 full US Tour documented above. This took through the summer to finish & is now public for all to see.
All this has been the first official work I've gotten to do for others & I am happy it turned out well enough for it to be used. Enjoy!
Monday, December 5, 2016
October Bird Of Death: A LIVE Collection (2016)
This video compilation of the LIVE footage of October Bird Of Death after attending several shows & filming different songs each time. The idea was to get all the songs from an upcoming release filmed live & put in order. I don't know what the album order will be so instead, I put it in order of the set list they have most recently been playing. I had originally figured I'd just make a playlist but Glenn Willis asked if it was possible to make one video of all the songs. So I did that instead.
As noted in the previous blog...I included it with the DVD of the video footage from the Wilson Abbey show on 10.30.16 due to my mistake that resulted in the loss of the 6'10 video files from that show. So if anyone is interested in having a DVD copy of this, contact me & I can get it to you.
Here's a list of the footage included & where it was filmed:
This Is Our Lives LIVE @ An Seanachi (08.14.16)
Goons LIVE @ Debonair Social Club (04.08.16)
Uproar LIVE @ Take Hold Fest (11.12.16)
Fire In Those Eyes LIVE @ LIara's Club (08.24.16)
Shed The Grave LIVE @ The Burlington (09.03.16)
Art Deco Skull Fracture LIVE @ Audiofeed (07.02.16)
Hell To Pay LIVE @ Brauerhouse (10.22.16)
Death Made Its Offer LIVE @ Wilson Abbey's Catacombs (04.17.16)
*This is also a promo video for the upcoming release*
Filmed & edited by Joel A. Swanson
Wilson Abbey Show featuring Exegesis, October Bird Of Death, & 6'10 (10.30.16)

This Wilson Abbey show, as I understand it, was originally put together for the planned release of October Bird of Death's new recording but since the recording has been delayed, it was show on the night before Halloween so costumes were encouraged.
Exegesis was added last minute to open this show. The original opener was unavailable for some reason or another so instead some great metal from the Colombians who make their home at JPUSA.
Set List
1. This Is Our Lives
2. Goons
3. Uproar
4. Fire In Those Eyes
5. Shed The Grave
6. Art Deco Skull Fracture
7. Hell To Pay
8. Death Made Its Offer
October Bird Of Death played second. They had some creative costumes. It was a great set. Even an axe was broken.
The headliner for the night was 6'10. Somehow, I lost the footage I got of their set so it will not be included here. My apologies. There is footage that shows the presence of all the members in between sets with their costumes, however.
Filmed LIVE at Wilson Abbey in Uptown Chicago, Illinois on Sunday, October 30th, 2016 using an JVC HDD Everio. Edited using Final Cut Pro on a Mac Mini.
On the DVD archive for this show (anyone interested in these please contact me), due to missing the 6'10 set, I included the following LIVE collection of footage from October Bird Of Death. It was an idea talked about a few months back but all the pieces to make it happen have now finally been recorded so here it is for you to enjoy!
Filmed & edited by Joel A. Swanson
Monday, November 21, 2016
Catacombs Show featuring Insomniac Folklore, Leper, & Stasia Bird & Herd (10.23.16)
On Sunday, October 23rd, 2016 a night with some dark folksy, gothic music filled Wilson Abbey's Catacombs. Insomniac Folklore traveled to town and JPUSA provided the rest with the full debut of Stasia Bird & Herd with a special acoustic performance by Leper to close the night.
Stasia Bird & Herd featured songs written & performed by Anastasia Bird with friends she called the Herd due to how it rhymes with her last name. The sound of this band would fall into the folk, Americana category. Along with the songs, there were readings of the words of the great Mr. Rogers. I really enjoyed the set & glad that there will be more chances to hear this music in the future.
Set List:
1. Intro
2. Feet In The Earth
3. Useless
4. Black Widow
5. It’s Only Folk Music If The Folks Sing Along
6. Listen To Your Parents But Don’t Trust The Government
7. Halloween
8. The Scariest Thing In The Dark
9. Grey Cars
10. Earplugs
Insomniac Folklore took the second slot taking the musical sound to a bit of a darker place in the best ways possible. It smoothly took the folk that started the night & added a certain gothic element to transition into Leper's set that would follow. I am glad to have had the chance to film this set & work with Insomniac Folklore. As I have come to know them, they have grown into a personal favorite band.
Set List
1. Intro
2. I Live In Shadow
3. Still I Crawl
4. Wonderful Grave
5. The Way It All Unfolds (Il Modo Che Tutto Si Svela)
6. Interlude
7. All I Have Known
8. I Hate Everything (Odio Tutto)
9. If Only I
10. If Everything Was Green
11. Evil Is Never Where You See It
Leper closed the night was an interesting semi-acoustic performance. There were still tracks, synths, & effects but also acoustic guitar, live drums, violin, & flute. It was a great set & hopefully we will see a bit more of this from Leper going forward when the opportunity arises.
As usual, I captured a little bit of the shenanigans from the night & put it together for the fun of it.
Filmed LIVE at Wilson Abbey’s Catacombs in Uptown Chicago, Illinois on Sunday, October 23rd, 2016 using an JVC HDD Everio. Edited using Final Cut Pro on a Mac Mini.
Filmed & edited by Joel A. Swanson
Monday, October 10, 2016
Catacombs Show featuring Anti-World System, Ramp Vampz, & Desiring Dead Flesh (09.30.16)
On Friday September 30th, 2016 another installment of Catacombs shows occurred at Wilson Abbey. This night featured Anti-World System (D-Beat punk from JPUSA in Uptown Chicago), Ramp Vamps (Skate Punk from Peoria, Illinois), & Desiring Dead Flesh (Punk from Bay City, Michigan) as they returned home for a long tour that took them to the west coast for the Extreme Tour.
The titles in this Show Promo video & the beginning of each band's set was the first time I was able to return to using the Motion program to make the titles. For some reason it wasn't opening on my old computer so I was using a built in option on Final Cut Pro for most titles. I prefer using Motion...it's a little easier overall. I prefer using the black & white effect on the Promo videos. I took a clip of the song "Don't Forsake The Fellowship" by Anti-World System for a soundtrack.
Set List:
1. There’s A War
2. Set Apart
3. All Israel Will Be Saved
4. Expel The Immoral Brother
5. Errors Of The Desert Fathers
6. Don’t Forsake The Fellowship
7. I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel
8. False Prophets & Teachers
9. I Am A Reformer
10. War Of The Maccabees
11. Starving The Sheep
12. The Plague
Ramp Vampz played their 2nd show on this night. It was good to hear them & see something new. I suspect we will see more from them in coming years. It will be cool to see them grow.
Set List:
1. The Bully & The Weak Need To Share The Playground
2. Thoughts In My Head
3. Passafist
4. Hypocrite
5. Take This Cup
6. God Bless Afghanistan
7. R-e-l-a-X-X-X
8. Holidays Suck!
9. Trips To The Park
10. A Day With Dad
11. Through It All I Will Follow You
12. Decapitated
13. Unappreciated
14. Ignorance
15. Don’t Leave The Rainbow
16. 3,000
17. KMart’s Parking Lot
18. Contemplating The Demise Of Western Civilization…
19. Stop The Fire
20. Wedgie
21. My Dying Words
22. Unity Beyond
23. Mohawks & Mullets
24. Blood, Sweat, & Circle Pits
It's always an adventure at a Desiring Dead Flesh show. Lots of objects fly through the air. Stuffed animals tend to be dismembered. Circle pits, sweat...maybe some blood too. It was nice that they could pass through Chicago again & that we could have them once again at Catacombs. They are always welcome!
Some other footage I captured on this night include Leper giving medical advice to Desiring Dead Flesh & other banter, some merch sales, & a wonderful post show meal of pulled pork & chili for the bands.
Filmed LIVE at Wilson Abbey’s Catacombs in Uptown Chicago, Illinois on Friday, September 30th, 2016 using an JVC HDD Everio. Edited using Final Cut Pro on a Mac Mini.
Filmed & edited by Joel A. Swanson
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
A Shared LIfe: Spring in Chicago & Show Footage (April - June 2016)
The Spring in Chicago 2016 video project takes place from April through the beginning of June in 2016.
I started the spring making a trip on April Fool's Day to Pittsburgh by way of Amtrak primarily to go to the Pittsburgh Penguins final home game which happened to be against the Philadelphia Flyers. I wanted to treat my friend Joe who stood as a best dude in my wedding last year. I left Chicago on Friday night, saw a nice rainbow on our way out of the city & arrived very early in the morning in Pittsburgh. I rested for a short time in the station then walked to the Southside where I rested by the river for a bit. I ended up getting coffee & killing time at the Beehive coffee shop. Next I went over to Primanti Bros. to watch hockey & enjoy a sandwich. I walked around the Strip District for a bit then went to Roland's to enjoy dinner & see Joe to arrange our plans. I left in mid evening & walked to Hazelwood to where I would spend the night at the Lindsey Smith/Derek Zanetti home. The next day I walked back toward the city, riding the Incline for the first time. I met Joe on top of the hill then went to the game. The Penguins won 6-2. I used "Party Hard" by Andrew W.K. as a soundtrack to this portion of the video. After the game I hung out with Joe a bit longer then got over to the station to leave & head back to Chicago. I arrived Monday morning April 4th & went directly back to work. That evening Listener & '68 were playing at the Beat Kitchen so Elphie & I went to the show. It was a good show but we ran a bit late missing the beginning of Listener's set.
Tornadoes by Listener LIVE @ Beat Kitchen (04.04.16)
Third Time's A Charm or 'G' (Track 3) by '68 LIVE @ Beat Kitchen (04.04.16)
Later that week, Underoath was in town on the Rebirth tour playing at the Riviera Theatre near where I work. I got some food at a nearby taco shop then watched a bit of hockey before heading over to the show. They played through They're Only Chasing Safety & Define The Great Line for this tour. I captured To Whom It May Concern on video.
To Whom It May Concern by Underoath LIVE during the Rebirth @ Riviera Theatre (04.07.16)
On Friday, I went to the Debonair Social Club to see Anti-World System & October Bird of Death. These are two relatively new punk bands from JPUSA. It was a good evening & allowed an opportunity to connect more with these folks who I would be working with on shows at the Catacombs. It also allowed an opportunity to talk with my friend Sid about some things going on in life which we haven't had much of a chance to do recently.
I Am A Reformer by Anti-World System LIVE @ Debonair Social Club (04.08.16)
Goons by October Bird Of Death LIVE @ Debonair Social Club (04.08.16)
On Saturday, our friend Vanessa had a house show where she would be playing her electronic music. It was a first chance to experience this & it was pretty cool. It allowed some connection with folks in this music community as well.
Il Neige LIVE @ Norwood Den (04.09.16)
Lots of Easter candy makes its way to the shelter I work with. A perk I guess if you want to call it that, is having the opportunity to pick through some of that candy. On a Sunday evening after cooking meat on the grill I decided to try making some Peeps S’mores. After making these S'mores, we went to Reggie's to see 6'10 play with Mikey Classic & His Lonesome Spur. Austin Lucas was on this bill as well. It was another good night of music…the last of a busy week of rocknroll for me.
Mikey Classic & His Lonesome Spur LIVE @ Reggie's (04.10.16)
Austin Lucas LIVE @ Reggie's (04.10.16)
On April 12th, Cornerstone Community Outreach had a staff Birthday Party where I was given a Whoopie Cushion. Later in the week, Nocturna occurred at the Metro on April 16th.
I booked a show that occurred on April 17th with the Catacombs at Wilson Abbey. The show opened with October Bird of Death. Desiring Dead Flesh was on tour and played next followed by Leper. The show seemed to be a success & Desiring Dead Flesh was given the opportunity to return. You can read more specifically on that show here.
First Catacombs Show Promo (04.17.16)
October Bird Of Death LIVE @ Catacombs (04.17.16)
Desiring Dead Flesh LIVE @ Catacombs (04.17.16)
Show Shenanigans LIVE @ Catacombs (04.17.16)
Later in the week, I went to a Timbre show at Wilson Abbey after work. I watched a bit of a playoff hockey game before leaving work. Timbre is always an enjoyable show.
Your Hands Hold Home by Timbre LIVE @ Wilson Abbey (04.22.16)
On April 23rd, Elphie & I were invited to a Bonfire with friends. It was a good time of fellowship & s'mores…the traditional kind this time.
The night before my birthday, Leper played a show at the Live Wire. Elphie rang in my birthday with some shenanigans. It was a good show overall…the first I got to see with Justin in the band.
My birthday celebration consisted of listening to "Old" by Starflyer 59 & getting a panzarotti from Falco's. It was pretty low key. The next day, on April 30th we said our goodbyes at Laura’s going away party at Logan Arcade as I set a high score on Q*Bert & tried to do so on Ms. PacMan.
May was brought in with some eye issues for Stein so he became a Conehead Cat. On May 6th our friend Guy came to visit. We attended a gothic Art show & gallery opening before heading to Concord Music Hall to see mewithoutYOU.
Red Cow by mewithoutYOU LIVE @ Concord Music Hall (05.06.16)
On May 7th we visited the Baha’i Temple with Guy before he left. We spent the evening of Mother's Day listening to VON Strantz at Uncommon Ground.
VON Strantz LIVE @ Uncommon Ground (05.08.16)
The weekend of May 13th through 15th I alternated between baseball games at Wrigley Field between the Pittsburgh Pirates & Chicago Cubs & celebrating Elphie's birthday. On Friday night we got dinner. On Saturday we saw a red line gorilla dancing, Little Shop of Horrors at the American Blues Theater, then went Blacklight Bowling. On Sunday there was a party with some Cards Against Humanity played at our house. I used "Happy Birthday (My Olde Friend)" by Voltaire & "Glow" by Destroy Nate Allen as a soundtrack for Elphie's birthday shenanigans.
On Monday May 16th on my way to work, I noticed someone’s bad day.
We received free tickets to see Gary Numan on Tuesday May 17th at the Metro. It was a pretty cool show.
Gary Numan LIVE @ Metro (05.17.16)
We left on May 20th to make a road trip to Kansas City for Cliff & Tianna's wedding. Nate & Tessa Allen were kind enough to let us stay with them. I had been working on archiving their last US Tour so we had been in communication a lot over the last few weeks so it made for an easy request. It was good to hang out with them in Kansas City & see the things that they enjoy in the city. Nate & I played some Ms. PacMan as well while on the Kansas side of the city. Cliff & Tianna's wedding took place on May 21st. It was a good time. I used "Punk Rock Girl" & "Turns Out You're Perfect For Me" by Destroy Nate Allen as a soundtrack. Since we had knocked Kansas off the list of states we needed to visit, we decided to drive the longer way home & knocked off Nebraska & Iowa too while squeezing in a visit with Ramona, & seeing The World's Largest Truck Stop. May ended with Bones & Cones which included Skot Shaw for the first time. I used "Blood Red" by Low & Behold as a soundtrack.
There is a lot of footage of Frank n’ Stein. I used "Bunny Hop" by Ball-peen Hammer as a soundtrack for this footage.
My friends in October Bird of Death asked me to make them a promotional music video for their upcoming EP release titled "Death Made Its Offer" using the LIVE footage of the song "Death Made Its Offer"filmed LIVE at the first Catacombs show. I used the black & white effect I always liked in Rancid & other punk videos & art. More information on this release is written here.
Soundtrack includes “Party Hard” by Andrew W.K., “Bunny Hop” by Ball-Peen Hammer, “Old” by Starflyer 59, “Happy Birthday (My Olde Friend)” by Voltaire, “Glow”, “Punk Rock girl”, & “Turns Out You’re Perfect For Me” by Destroy Nate Allen, & “Blood Red” by Low & Behold.
Footage filmed using an iPhone 6 & Sony HD Bloggie by Elphie & Joel A. Swanson. Edited using Final Cut Pro on a Mac Mini by Joel A. Swanson
Friday, July 22, 2016
A Catacombs Show & Two Other Shows From The Week After Audiofeed (07.07.2016 - 07.09.2016)
Audiofeed occured as usual over the Fourth of July weekend & video from the soggy, good time will be available in the not too distant future. We returned a bit earlier than usual due to the soggy conditions & arrived back in Chicago in the wee hours of Monday morning...the Fourth. After getting some good rest, we shot fireworks with friends (also video will come) then went back to life as usual.
While at Audiofeed, we talked with our friends Amanda & Andreas about a show we would be going to on Thursday in Aurora - The City Of Lights. It turned out they too would be going to see The Hollywood Vampires - Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp, & Joe Perry. It was an interesting show...it was outdoors so thankfully the rain had passed earlier in the evening as we drove from Chicago to Aurora. The set featured a lot of covers of dead artists, some of whom were another incarnation of Hollywood Vampires & it sounded like Alice Cooper was the remaining living "Vampire." I captured the song "Dead Drunk Friends" on video but the ending was cut off due to insufficient space on my phone. I was glad we saw them when we did as later in the week Joe Perry had some sort of medical emergency (heart attack? exhaustion?) & had to leave the stage as well as the tour (though I see he will return to the stage tonight!).
After the show we got pizza at a place called Doughballs. It was good eating & a funny name. It was a good time to hang a few days after the festival with friends from the festival. Last year we went to their home for a show so maybe this becomes a tradition to rock with the Larsen's after Audiofeed!

Friday night was another Catacombs show at Wilson Abbey. This show had some international flair. Exegesis opened. They currently live at JPUSA in Chicago but are from Colombia. Leper - JPUSA in Chicago had Ravn playing bass originally from Norway. The headliner was Deborah from Mexico on tour through the United States.
Unfortunately, I was running out of hard drive space on my camera I used at Audiofeed - JVC HDD Everio. I brought my Sony HD Bloggie but there isn't a lot of space on that either. My phone was also filled to capacity. Due to these unfortunate conditions I missed the last song of Deborah's set along with Miguel speaking as well as the last half of Leper's set. I got all of the Exegesis set though. The night went well overall.
On Saturday night, we decided to go see old friends, The Castros, play at Uncommon Ground. We missed the opening act due to my mistake of thinking it was at the other venue of the same name. We went in, sat down, then a girl started playing some good tunes. I texted Marco Castro & his response made me realize that the opening act was a guy so we got up & awkwardly left somewhat embarrassed then headed to the proper venue. We arrived & Marco was dealing with an incident that someone had backed into the vehicle they had rented to make the trip from Ohio. We sat down, ordered some very good food & got to listen to the folksy music of The Castros. I captured "Pumpkin Pie" because of the performance & Marco's antics. Also, it's a good song.
Footage filmed using a JVC HDD Everio, Sony HD Bloggie, & iPhone 6. It was edited using Final Cut Pro on a Mac Mini.
All footage filmed & edited by Joel A. Swanson
While at Audiofeed, we talked with our friends Amanda & Andreas about a show we would be going to on Thursday in Aurora - The City Of Lights. It turned out they too would be going to see The Hollywood Vampires - Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp, & Joe Perry. It was an interesting show...it was outdoors so thankfully the rain had passed earlier in the evening as we drove from Chicago to Aurora. The set featured a lot of covers of dead artists, some of whom were another incarnation of Hollywood Vampires & it sounded like Alice Cooper was the remaining living "Vampire." I captured the song "Dead Drunk Friends" on video but the ending was cut off due to insufficient space on my phone. I was glad we saw them when we did as later in the week Joe Perry had some sort of medical emergency (heart attack? exhaustion?) & had to leave the stage as well as the tour (though I see he will return to the stage tonight!).
After the show we got pizza at a place called Doughballs. It was good eating & a funny name. It was a good time to hang a few days after the festival with friends from the festival. Last year we went to their home for a show so maybe this becomes a tradition to rock with the Larsen's after Audiofeed!

Friday night was another Catacombs show at Wilson Abbey. This show had some international flair. Exegesis opened. They currently live at JPUSA in Chicago but are from Colombia. Leper - JPUSA in Chicago had Ravn playing bass originally from Norway. The headliner was Deborah from Mexico on tour through the United States.
Unfortunately, I was running out of hard drive space on my camera I used at Audiofeed - JVC HDD Everio. I brought my Sony HD Bloggie but there isn't a lot of space on that either. My phone was also filled to capacity. Due to these unfortunate conditions I missed the last song of Deborah's set along with Miguel speaking as well as the last half of Leper's set. I got all of the Exegesis set though. The night went well overall.
On Saturday night, we decided to go see old friends, The Castros, play at Uncommon Ground. We missed the opening act due to my mistake of thinking it was at the other venue of the same name. We went in, sat down, then a girl started playing some good tunes. I texted Marco Castro & his response made me realize that the opening act was a guy so we got up & awkwardly left somewhat embarrassed then headed to the proper venue. We arrived & Marco was dealing with an incident that someone had backed into the vehicle they had rented to make the trip from Ohio. We sat down, ordered some very good food & got to listen to the folksy music of The Castros. I captured "Pumpkin Pie" because of the performance & Marco's antics. Also, it's a good song.
Footage filmed using a JVC HDD Everio, Sony HD Bloggie, & iPhone 6. It was edited using Final Cut Pro on a Mac Mini.
All footage filmed & edited by Joel A. Swanson
Monday, July 18, 2016
Catacombs Show: 06.26.2016

This was the second Catacombs show at Wilson Abbey featured Anti-World System - a JPUSA D-Beat Punk Band with Desiring Dead Flesh from Michigan, & The Lonely Revolts from California. This show wasn't as well attended at the first show. I think it suffered from summer time busy-ness as well as events in the surrounding areas. Nonetheless, the show was fun, the bands were good, & fellowship was had. Linked below are the full sets from each band as well as a quick clip of some "shenanigans" from the night as well:
Anti-World System
Set List:
1. There’s A War
2. The Plague
3. I Am A Reformer
4. Set Apart
5. Starving The Sheep
6. War Of The Maccabees
7. I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel
8. False Prophets & Teachers
9. Expel The Immoral Brother
10. Don’t Forsake The Fellowship
Desiring Dead Flesh
Set List:
1. Take This Cup
2. Hypocrite
3. A Day With Dad
4. Passafist
5. Unity Beyond
6. The Bully & The Weak Need To Share The Playground
7. Through It All I Will Follow You
8. My Mom…
9. The Lives We Share
10. Contemplating The Demise Of Western Civilization…
11. God Bless Afghanistan
12. I Am A Race Traitor
13. Heart, Soul, Mind
14. Born That Way
15. My Dying Words
16. Trips To The Park
17. Ignorance
18. Wedgie
19. Chuck’s Lawn Is A Mullet
20. Mohawks & Mullets
21. Postpartum Abortion
22. Blood, Sweat, & Circle Pits
The Lonely Revolts
Set List
1. Lightning From The East
2. I Am Who I Am
3. The Same Old, Same Old
4. Check Your Pulse
5. Falling Apart
6. The W. T. L.
7. Swing Lo, Sweet Chariot
8. Open Graves
7. The Revolt Is Forming
8. Folsom Prison Blues
9. Tear Down The Walls
Apologies that there are some technical difficulties on a couple of the songs.
Filmed LIVE at Wilson Abbey’s Catacombs in Uptown Chicago, Illinois on Sunday, June 26th, 2016 using an JVC HDD Everio. Edited using Final Cut Pro on a Mac Mini.
Filmed & edited by Joel A. Swanson
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
I've noticed for a while that when I would post videos to this blog, the video would not fully be displayed on the blog page. I spent a little time today finding a different template that allowed me to have some more control over things such as that. I'm not entirely satisfied with the layout of the page but haven't found solutions to those things that bother me yet (the off centered-ness of the picture at the top for one). I made some small changes to the features on the page as well along with the location where they can be found (now on the left side).
The biggest change you will notice is that the DvD list is not the first post anymore. I moved it to be linked on the left (3rd feature down) so those interested in any of the DvDs can simply click a link now to pull up that post from years ago that has been updated from time to time...by the way it's not nearly up to date now so if something you've seen interests you please ask & I can get it to you if you still care about DvDs. No one has asked about donating for DvDs in years so I don't expect that to change now.
I'm thinking about making similar changes to the other pages as well - TigerRAWk Shows & TigerRAWk: A Wayfaring Stranger (if I ever use this page again ha!).
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the new layout & design of the page if you come by here ever & I'm sorry for anything you don't like.
The biggest change you will notice is that the DvD list is not the first post anymore. I moved it to be linked on the left (3rd feature down) so those interested in any of the DvDs can simply click a link now to pull up that post from years ago that has been updated from time to time...by the way it's not nearly up to date now so if something you've seen interests you please ask & I can get it to you if you still care about DvDs. No one has asked about donating for DvDs in years so I don't expect that to change now.
I'm thinking about making similar changes to the other pages as well - TigerRAWk Shows & TigerRAWk: A Wayfaring Stranger (if I ever use this page again ha!).
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the new layout & design of the page if you come by here ever & I'm sorry for anything you don't like.
Monday, May 23, 2016
A Shared Life: Winter In Chicago & Show Footage (January - March 2016)
Another season of life has come & gone. Additions were made & some loss was encountered in this Shared Life during Winter 2016 in Chicago. The new year started for me with friends at JPUSA with a show in the basement & fun, games, & hanging out until the clock struck midnight...and beyond. Elphie & I stayed the night there the morning commute to work was a nice, brisk walk down the block instead of the usual hour on public transit. This was documented in the "Holidays" video & post.
The following week I went the the United Center for the first time for a hockey game between the Pittsburgh Penguins & Chicago Blackhawks. Unfortunately, the Penguins lost on this night but I saw statutes of Michael Jordan, some Blackhawks greats, & the Bulls championship trophies from the 90s when I enjoyed basketball. I added some audio of "Party Hard" by Andrew WK which is the goal song of the Penguins along with some audio from a Benstonium.com clip.
I had the opportunity to see Narrow/Arrow for the first show of 2016 at Subterranean. I worked with members of this band when living in Cincinnati doing Covenant Shows. I've been friends with Jonathan Hape for a long time & have been fortunate to see him perform his various music acts in every town I've lived in since meeting him in my Mansfield days.
Narrow/Arrow LIVE @ Subterranean (01.05.16)
In January, we brought home a bunny we eventually named "Frank" & in February we brought home a kitten we named "Stein." There is a lot of footage of these two guys throughout this project. After picking up the bunny who would become known as "Frank," Elphie & I went to a show to see our friends in 6'10 & Von Strantz. Families opened this show up.
Families LIVE @ the Workshop (01.09.16)
The Travelers by 6'10 LIVE @ the Workshop (01.09.16)
Von Strantz LIVE @ the Workshop (01.09.16)
After the show, we went an Epiphany Party & then later in January we attended KC's birthday bash at Emporium Arcade & Stewart was Clownin' at Cornerstone Community Outreach.
A large snowstorm hit the east which caused for some bands who were to play Chicago not to make it. Instead, a free show was set up at An Seanachi featuring Brick Assassin & others. It was a good time.
The Islanders LIVE @ An Seanachi (01.23.16)
Miracle Drug LIVE @ An Seanachi (01.23.16)
Poison by Brick Assassin LIVE @ An Seanachi (01.23.16)
January came to a close with a meeting for repentance & prayer at Mama Linda's House.
February started out with an early morning neutering for "Frank" in hopes he wouldn't be territorial when "Stein" would be coming into the house. We had intended on getting "Stein" the very next day but some sort of sickness plagued us that day so it had to wait until the weekend...Super Bowl Sunday in fact.
6'10 had a headlining show at the Beat Kitchen so Elphie & I went to it. Opening acts were Davey Dynamite & Mikey Classic & His Lonesome Spur - a new favorite of ours.
Davey Dynamite LIVE @ Beat Kitchen (02.05.16)
Mikey Classic & His Lonesome Spur LIVE @ Beat Kitchen (02.05.16)
Peach Farmer by 6'10 LIVE @ Beat Kitchen (02.05.16)
We had a busy weekend in the middle of February where we saw Henry Rollins, attended Nocturna, then experienced Stewart & Meghan's dinner staredown at JPUSA before going to see Dropkick Murphys.
I went to see Dropkick Murphys while visiting Chicago back in the winter of 2014 at a venue nearby to this one. Naturally, we decided to see them again since the opportunity was there. The Aragon is an interesting venue. After the excessive pat down, the decor was pretty cool. It took forever to get out of the place though. The Dark New Buster & Tiger Army opened the show. I filmed Dirty Glass because a local girl took the mic for parts of the song.
The New Dark Buster LIVE @ Aragon Ballroom (02.19.16)
Tiger Army LIVE @ Aragon Ballroom (02.19.16)
Dirty Glass by Dropkick Murphys LIVE @ Aragon Ballroom (02.19.16)
My friend Joe liked the Smoking Popes so we decided to go check out one of their members play a show with 6'10. It was a good night.
Someday Hun by 6'10 LIVE @ Brauerhouse (02.20.16)
We returned to Brauerhouse a few days later to see Grave Robber with Argyle Goolsby & The Roving Midnight. It was a cool show. I filmed the set in hopes to one day work out a music video for Grave Robber. That has taken a back seat for now until I can hopefully finish up a few other projects. I posted this one song from the set.
Last Man On Earth by Grave Robber LIVE @ Brauerhouse (02.25.16)
Argyle Goolsby & The Roving Midnight LIVE @ Brauerhouse (02.25.16)
March started with an unexpected trip to North Carolina for a funeral. We stopped in Cincinnati along the way to & from North Carolina. After the long trip to North Carolina & back, we arrived in time to see The Crossing playing their local St. Patrick's show at Wilson Abbey.
Though we had to miss the annual Flatfoot 56 show at Reggie's, we were able to be back in town to go to Aurora to see the Saint Patrick's show at Ballydoyle Pub & see several friends.
Jungle of the Midwest Sea by Flatfoot 56 LIVE on St. Patrick's Day @ Ballydoyle (03.17.16)
Where Did You Go by 6'10 LIVE on St. Patrick's Day @ Ballydoyle (03.17.16)
Brotherhood by Flatfoot 56 LIVE on St. Patrick's Day @ Ballydoyle (03.17.16)
We went to a suspension event at Disgraceland Wasteland. Also included is Stewart performing a birthday song & dance for Jeremy. March & the winter project ended with a trip to Pennsylvania for Easter with my family where a few other things were taken care of as well regarding my car.
Right after returning from the trip to Pennsylvania for Easter, I went to the Beat Kitchen for some southern metal from He Is Legend & Norma Jean. He Is Legend puts on a great show. Norma Jean did a good show as well…I just haven't been as into their music overall.
The Widow Of Magnolia by He Is Legend LIVE @ Beat Kitchen (03.28.16)
Leaderless & Self Enlisted by Norma Jean LIVE @ Beat Kitchen (03.28.16)
Soundtrack includes “Winter” by The Crossing, “Party Hard” by Andrew WK, & “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” by Israel 'IZ' Kamakawiwo'ole.
Filmed using an iPhone 6 & Sony HD Bloggie by Elphie & Joel A. Swanson. Edited using Final Cut Pro on a Mac Mini by Joel A. Swanson.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
"Death Made Its Offer" Promotional Video For The Upcoming EP Release by October Bird Of Death
My friends in October Bird of Death asked me to make them a promotional music video for their upcoming EP release through ZAP Records using the LIVE footage of the song "Death Made Its Offer." The EP will also be called "Death Made Its Offer."
The footage was originally filmed at the first Catacombs show in Wilson Abbey. I was asked to pull the footage of this song & add information to promote the upcoming release to come out in summer 2016. I used the black & white effect I always liked in Rancid & other punk videos & art.
Monday, May 2, 2016
The First Catacombs Show @ Wilson Abbey featuring Desiring Dead Flesh, October Bird Of Death, & Leper (04.17.16)
I had the privilege of booking the first Catacombs show at the Wilson Abbey - a venue that is part of JPUSA.
Bryan from Desiring Dead Flesh contacted me in November asking if I could help the band get a show in Chicago. Original thought was to do a house show but then I recalled another location where it seemed there was a desire to do shows. Ultimately, with the information I had & the advice I was given, I contacted the folks at JPUSA about trying to make this show happen there in hopes of the best possible outcome for all involved. In the midst of trying to organize this, Kos from Anti-World System posted on their page that they were going to start hosting shows at JPUSA for the underground Christian bands. These shows would be called The Catacombs. I contacted Kos a couple days after contact was made with the others at JPUSA & within a week this show was booked.
Even prior to my contacts with JPUSA, I had asked October Bird of Death & Leper if they wanted to be on board. Another band was originally going to be on the bill as well but unfortunately they could not play & some others I hoped could never responded so we did this show with three bands.
The turnout was good & the sound was awesome! We were able to take good care of Desiring Dead Flesh while on their tour & hope the rest of their travels go well too.
The night was opened up by October Bird of Death. This is a relatively new band. This was their third show so far. They have a good melodic punk sound.
I sandwiched Desiring Dead Flesh between the locals so they played second. The crowd seemed to respond well to their brand of punk music.
Leper closed the night with their goth music. Most folks sat for this set but were attentive.
After the bands were loading out & as we closed it down for the night, shenanigans occurred with Josh Robieson & the remaining members of the bands.
The experience was good overall...I hope to bring other friends from other places to play a Catacombs show at Wilson Abbey in the future.
Thanks to all who came out!
This show will be available on DVD for anyone who is interested. Contact me - TigerRAWkShows@gmail.com. Donations are welcome to cover cost of DVDs & postage. Thanks!
Saturday, March 26, 2016
A Flashback Friday Post about Good Friday - Cool Hand Luke LIVE @ Covenant (04.02.10)
I was searching to repost the blog I wrote on this show only to realize that I failed to ever do so. This is a shame because this was a very special show for me so I will reminisce a blog about it now.

I am going to link each set first then write the blog:
Mark Nicks of Cool Hand Luke
James Masters & Josh Klaine
I was contacted I believe at the time by Brandy Nicks, the wife of Mark Nicks from the band Cool Hand Luke about doing a show. The date turned out to be Good Friday. I received permission from Covenant to put the show on then worked out a few local openers before having an interesting conversation with Mark Nicks about an idea he had for the show. He told me about an album that would be "Of Man" based on the biblical account of the Good Friday events so he wanted to do what I would call a storytellers type show playing some songs from the new album & tell about the idea.
I explained the idea to the other bands who were on board as well. I put together a flyer for it & decided that the show would be donation based instead of charging a cover. I also felt that the sanctuary of Covenant made more sense for this show than the usual room so that's where it happened.
So came Good Friday - 04.02.2010. It was a nice day, weather wise which was a positive...people usually are more likely to venture out on good weather days. The band I planned to be first never showed up so we proceeded with the next band - Canoes. This was the only chance I had to work with them even though I was friends with most of the guys. Their sound was more pop oriented & just didn't usually fit with a lot of the bands I worked with over the years but I'm glad they came to play this one. There were a couple strange technical difficulties during the set though.
Next up, two guys named James Masters & Josh Klaine played a worship set. We were connected to many of the same people in the community so it worked out nicely to have them on the set. They also pretty well got the mood set for the rest of the night with the songs that were played for this set.
Mark Nicks took the floor next to play his songs & tell the story of each one as well as the Gospel message of Good Friday. On a spiritual level, there was something different about this show than usual & it felt the folks who showed up had a purpose for being there. I felt a lot of joy from this show & had a good connection with the people who came out. Other than a band not showing up, the night was all I could hope it to be. It felt like God showed up in a tangible way. I firmly believe God is always there but this was a night that God was felt in a different way than usual. It was RAD!
On this Good Friday six years later...I remember this night still as being one of my favorite shows I got to have a small part in. If you have time to watch the set, please do. I certainly will!
Since "Of Man" released a year later, I have enjoyed listening to it every year on our about Good Friday. Mark Nicks has put it on Noisetrade for free!

I am going to link each set first then write the blog:
Mark Nicks of Cool Hand Luke
James Masters & Josh Klaine
I was contacted I believe at the time by Brandy Nicks, the wife of Mark Nicks from the band Cool Hand Luke about doing a show. The date turned out to be Good Friday. I received permission from Covenant to put the show on then worked out a few local openers before having an interesting conversation with Mark Nicks about an idea he had for the show. He told me about an album that would be "Of Man" based on the biblical account of the Good Friday events so he wanted to do what I would call a storytellers type show playing some songs from the new album & tell about the idea.
I explained the idea to the other bands who were on board as well. I put together a flyer for it & decided that the show would be donation based instead of charging a cover. I also felt that the sanctuary of Covenant made more sense for this show than the usual room so that's where it happened.
So came Good Friday - 04.02.2010. It was a nice day, weather wise which was a positive...people usually are more likely to venture out on good weather days. The band I planned to be first never showed up so we proceeded with the next band - Canoes. This was the only chance I had to work with them even though I was friends with most of the guys. Their sound was more pop oriented & just didn't usually fit with a lot of the bands I worked with over the years but I'm glad they came to play this one. There were a couple strange technical difficulties during the set though.
Next up, two guys named James Masters & Josh Klaine played a worship set. We were connected to many of the same people in the community so it worked out nicely to have them on the set. They also pretty well got the mood set for the rest of the night with the songs that were played for this set.
Mark Nicks took the floor next to play his songs & tell the story of each one as well as the Gospel message of Good Friday. On a spiritual level, there was something different about this show than usual & it felt the folks who showed up had a purpose for being there. I felt a lot of joy from this show & had a good connection with the people who came out. Other than a band not showing up, the night was all I could hope it to be. It felt like God showed up in a tangible way. I firmly believe God is always there but this was a night that God was felt in a different way than usual. It was RAD!
On this Good Friday six years later...I remember this night still as being one of my favorite shows I got to have a small part in. If you have time to watch the set, please do. I certainly will!
Since "Of Man" released a year later, I have enjoyed listening to it every year on our about Good Friday. Mark Nicks has put it on Noisetrade for free!
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
A Shared Life: Fall In Chicago & The Holidays with Show Footage: (October, November, December 2015)
A Shared Life: Fall In Chicago 2015
Footage was filmed in October and November 2015. The Autumn season began with a visit to the Field Museum to see the Viking exhibit before it closed on October 4th. It was cool to see & we checked out some other areas of the museum before the afternoon ended. We got back to the house then prepared for a party. We had some interesting people show up but I think it went well overall. October 6th I went to see the Norma Jean "O' God The Aftermath" Tour (more on that below) then on October 7th I went to Durkin's to watch the Pittsburgh Pirates lose the Wild Card game 4-0 to the Chicago Cubs. That was disappointing. There was a Worship Night & Bonfire at the Hays home in Yorkville on October 11th which included a train rolling through the yard. October 12th we went to Cones & Bones at Township before heading to a show at The Workshop (more on that below) where we got to see Nate Allen & hang for a bit. On October 17th we went to Pennsylvania for the Sorensen's to celebrate Elphie & I's wedding. We also visited both my grandmas. We returned to Chicago then on Monday October 19th I went to see He Is Legend (more on that below). Lisa visited us the following weekend then we did some Halloween celebrations in Uptown on October 30th including a show & going away party for Kenneth (more on that below) and Nocturna at Metro. We celebrated our second anniversary of commitment with a visit to Chicago's Shedd Aquarium on Halloween then closed the night out with a noise show at JPUSA (more on that below). After eating the heart of a deer, we returned to JPUSA the next night, November 1st, for Anti-World System's first show (more on that below). Emery came to Chicago on November 4th on their "The Question" Tour (more on that below). Grave Robber played November 7th then Tmbre played on November 8th in Chicago (more on those below). There are clips from Bunny Sitting Oliver in November & Chicago's first snow of the season fell on November 20th. Guy came to visit on November 21st & attended the mewithoutYou show with me (more on that below).
Soundtrack includes "Autumn" & "In Love With The Fall" by Leper
Show Footage From October 2015:
Filmed LIVE at Double Door in Wicker Park Chicago, Illinois Tuesday, October 6th, 2015.
Disconnecktie by Norma Jean LIVE @ Double Door (10.06.15)
"G" (Track 3) by '68 LIVE @ Double Door (10.06.15)
SleepWave LIVE @ Double Door (10.06.15)
This was the first chance I've had to see SleepWave. It was alright & I'm glad I made it in time to see them. '68 played next & I was able to film a different song than I had done previously. Norma Jean closed the night. Though my battery was nearly dead, I was still able to film most of Disconnecktie as I intended. I missed the last 30 seconds or so.
Filmed LIVE at The Workshop in Logan Square Chicago, Illinois on Sunday, October 6th, 2015.
Endolphins LIVE @ The Workshop (10.11.15)
Self-Proclaimed Narcissist LIVE @ The Workshop (10.11.15)
Open To Everything by Nate Allen LIVE @ The Workshop (10.11.15)
A Protest For Now by Common Fox Weeping LIVE @ The Workshop (10.11.15)
This was the second show I attended at The Workshop & Common Fox Weeping was on the bill again. I picked this song because it was very different from the previous song I had filmed in September. I wanted to get something new from Nate Allen & accomplished that. This was my first experience with Self Proclaimed Narcissist & it was cool. Endolphins closed the night & this was the first time seeing them as well.
Filmed LIVE at Subterranean in Wicker Park Chicago, Illinois on Monday, October 19th, 2015.
Ccclouds / I Am Hollywood by He Is Legend LIVE @ Subterranean (10.19.15)
Must Be The Holy Ghost LIVE @ Subterranean (10.19.15)
I saw Must Be The Holy Ghost with He Is Legend in the spring & found it to be very interesting as well as enjoyable. I was glad to see this on the bill again. I filmed the end of the He Is Legend set which ended up being a medley of sorts.
Filmed LIVE at Wilson Abbey in Uptown Chicago, Illinois on Friday, October 30th, 2015.
Desert Lady Shanty by Common Fox Weeping LIVE during Kenneth's last show @ Wilson Abbey (10.30.15)
Max Simmons LIVE @ Wilson Abbey (10.30.15)
This was our friend Kenneth's last show before moving away. It was also the first time I watched a Max Simmons set. It was a good start to a very long night.
Filmed LIVE at Bowels of JPUSA in Uptown Chicago, Illinois on Saturday, October 31st, 2015.
Justin Filizola LIVE @ Bowels of JPUSA (10.31.15)
Lies that Bind by Ball-Peen Hammer (a side project of Leper) LIVE @ Bowels of JPUSA (10.31.15)
It was very dark in the Bowels of JPUSA on this night so getting a good quality video wasn't easy for either performance but it was a fun way to close out Halloween nonetheless. It has been a while since I saw a noise performance such as this.
Show Footage From November 2015:
Filmed LIVE at JPUSA’s Eastwood Basement in Uptown Chicago, Illinois on Sunday, November 1st, 2015.
Anti-World System LIVE @ JPUSA’s Eastwood Basement (11.01.15)
This was Anti-World System's first show. It was fun!
Filmed LIVE at Bottom Lounge in Near West Side Chicago, Illinois on Wednesday, November 4th, 2015.
Studying Politics by Emery LIVE @ Bottom Lounge (11.04.15)
I missed that this show was going on until just a day or so before but I got in & I filmed the song I most wanted to film but I cut it off earlier than I would have liked due to forgetting that the electro song that is playing at the end would continue a bit longer. This was the first time seeing Emery in a long time.
Filmed LIVE at BrauerHouse in Lombard, Illinois on Saturday, November 7th, 2015.
Horror Business by Grave Robber LIVE @ BrauerHouse (11.07.15)
Grave Robber did a cover set after they played their originals with a cover or two sprinkled into the set as well. It was Chris' last show that I would get to see with Grave Robber.
Filmed LIVE at Wilson Abbey in Uptown Chicago, Illinois on Sunday, November 7th, 2015.
Singing & Singing by Timbre LIVE @ Wilson Abbey (11.08.15)
Timbre is awesome! I actually intended to film a different song, but this one was RAD too.
Filmed LIVE at Metro in Wrigleyville Chicago, Illinois on Saturday, November 21st, 2015.
Mexican War Streets by mewithoutYOU LIVE @ Metro (11.21.15)
mewithoutYou is one of my favorite LIVE bands. Guy came to hang out & went to the show with me. I filmed my favorite new song.
A Shared Life: The Holidays - Thanksgiving 2015
Footage filmed from November 26th through November 30th, 2015. Due to my insistence of uploading videos until way too late the night before, Elphie made the decision I needed to sleep before driving east so we made a very early drive to Clymer, NY on Thanksgiving day to spend it with the Sorensen family. There was great food of course! The next day we visited my grandma. On Saturday morning I went squirrel hunting but didn't see anything. I also scouted some areas for hunting deer. That evening we went to Pittsburgh to watch the Penguins vs Oilers. Evgeni Malkin scored a highlight reel goal right in front of us but the Penguins lost. I hunted deer on Monday before returning empty-handed to Chicago.
Soundtrack includes “Feast Or Fallow” by Sandra McCracken
A Shared Life: The Holidays - December In Chicago 2015
Footage filmed from December 1st through 23rd, 2015. On December 4th, Elphie & I hit some of Chicago's Christmas attractions. On the way, she saw the Holiday bus. We visited ChristKindl Market where I found a Christmas gift & enjoyed some Swedish Christmas Soda. We went to the Lincoln Park Zoo Lights afterwards then caught a movie at the Roosevelt Collection. On December 5th, friends gathered at our place for a party for Laura & Jason. December 10th we went to "Your Friendly Christmas Tour" (more on that below) & December 11th we caught a show with Flatfoot 56 (more on that below as well). December 12th we went to the Risen Savior Talent Show then to Nocturna at Metro. December 13th we went to Krampus Mart & The Apprentice Improv Show at Under The Gun Theater to see Helen. We were planning to go to a show in the south suburbs but we were put way behind schedule after eating at a restaurant that didn't seem to want to let us pay & leave. Anyway, we brought Stewart to the comedy show too. Cornerstone Community Outreach had a staff Christmas Party where a "letter" from Trump regarding Santa Claus & the elves was read & after work we saw the Holiday train. On December 19th there was a gathering once again at our place with our neighbors for games. Moses got stuck on a chair. Nick Offerman was present at both gatherings.
Soundtrack includes “Holidays” by Dear Ephesus & “Silent Night” by Anemia
Show Footage From December 2015:
Filmed LIVE during Your Friendly Christmas Tour at Beat Kitchen in Northside Chicago, Illinois on Thursday, December 10th, 2015.
Jingle Bells - Caroling during Your Friendly Christmas Tour LIVE @ Beat Kitchen (12.10.15)
Love Means Coming Home by Red Sweater Lullaby during Your Friendly Christmas Tour LIVE @ Beat Kitchen (12.10.15)
Christmas Unicorn by Levi The Poet LIVE during Your Friendly Christmas Tour @ Beat Kitchen (12.10.15)
Thanksgiving 1987 by Dan Smith LIVE during Your Friendly Christmas Tour @ Beat Kitchen (12.10.15)
"Your Friendly Christmas Tour" was held in an upper room of the Beat Kitchen. It was a fun little show & good to catch up with Dan, Kris, & Levi. They played some originals & some covers. They provided cookies, candy, & coffee. They made us sing Christmas Carols at the end. The Christmas Carol clip I used some transparent effects to merge some of Elphie's footage with mine for some added fun & experimentation.
Filmed LIVE at BrauerHouse in Lombard, Illinois on Friday, December 11th, 2015.
Work For Them by Flatfoot 56 LIVE @ BrauerHouse (12.11.15)
Still Alive LIVE @ BrauerHouse (12.11.15)
The Capones LIVE @ BrauerHouse (12.11.15)
Besides being married & living together with Elphie, it's been a lot of fun getting to know the guys in Flatfoot 56 better while living in Chicago. They are really good dudes. I enjoy their shows so when the time comes for them to play, I try to be there. This would be their last show of the year & it was a great one & I was able to capture one of my favorite new(er) tunes of theirs. Still Alive is one of my favorite discoveries in moving to Chicago. I love their style. The Capones were fun as well.
A Shared Life: The Holidays - Christmas 2015
Footage filmed from December 23rd through 230th, 2015. We left Chicago on the afternoon of December 23rd, 2015 after I worked half the day. We hoped to beat the traffic but since it's Chicago, we were still moving slowly in our attempt to leave. The forecast called for strong storms along the route but we were fortunate to miss most of it. We encountered some cool lightning as we followed the storm toward Cincinnati. We stopped for the night in Fort Wright, KY after an attempt to get Ale 8-One at a Meijer. Before we slept we visited with our hosts, The Sheehy's & Lisa.
We left early on Christmas Eve toward Charlotte, NC encountering some more rain in the mountains. We took a pitstop at a Taco Bell to visit with The Floyd's before continuing on our way to spend the holiday with Elphie's family. While in the Charlotte area, besides the family visits on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day, we went to a restaurant an old friend of Elphie had opened called Grits N Greens. Afterwards, we walked in a nature preserve, visited some farm animals, visited more family, at at R.O's Bar-B-Cue, & visited some friends. The next day we attended church at Bethel Baptist where a friend of Elphie's is the pastor. We got gas in South Carolina then picked up some Japanese food before watching the Steelers play the Ravens. After that awful football game, we went to Tony's Ice Cream, hoping to see more friends but there was a scheduling mishap. We then rested for the night to travel north to Pennsylvania.
Before we left, Elphie had a silly string war. It was another damp trip heading north but we avoided flooding in North Carolina & ice as we made our way through the Pennsylvania hills. We made a stop at Gavino's in Pittsburgh for a seafood calzone before arriving in Warren to visit with my family. We celebrated Christmas that night then visited with my grandma the next day. We left on December 30th, 2015 to get back to Chicago.
Soundtrack includes “A Holiday Song (Happy Holidays)” by Starflyer 59, “Christmas” by A Wayward Heart, and “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” by Folk Angel.
A Shared Life: The Holidays - New Year’s Eve 2015/2016
Footage filmed from December 31st, 2015 and January 1st, 2016. There was a punk show at JPUSA featuring The Ghost Servant, Anti-World System, and Leper (more information on that below the LIVE clips). We hung out with friends playing board games after the show was over until the New Year came to pass. Oliver the Bunny made an appearance & someone shot off some fireworks. As the night came to a close the elevator did something strange. We decided to stay the night at JPUSA & I worked the next day then enjoyed a dinner with our friends before returning home.
Soundtrack includes “Auld Lang Syne” by David Galas
New Year's Eve LIVE Music Clips:
Filmed LIVE at JPUSA's Friendly Basement in Uptown Chicago, Illinois on New Year’s Eve - Thursday, December 31st, 2015.
Leper LIVE on New Year's Eve @ Friendly Basement (12.31.15)
Plague by Anti-World System LIVE on New Year's Eve @ Friendly Basement (12.31.15)
The Ghost Servant LIVE on New Year's Eve @ Friendly Basement (12.31.15)
This show made for a great way to ring in the New Year with friends. The audio from the LIVE clip of The Ghost Servant was submitted to a compilation album to be released later in the year. Anti-Word System shared the clip on their page & all over social media. This may be the only footage to feature Jim Judge in Leper. It was a different sort of set for them but I enjoyed it.
Filmed using an iPhone 6, & Sony HD Bloggie by Elphie & Joel A. Swanson.
Edited by Joel A. Swanson using Final Cut Pro on a Mac Mini.
Footage was filmed in October and November 2015. The Autumn season began with a visit to the Field Museum to see the Viking exhibit before it closed on October 4th. It was cool to see & we checked out some other areas of the museum before the afternoon ended. We got back to the house then prepared for a party. We had some interesting people show up but I think it went well overall. October 6th I went to see the Norma Jean "O' God The Aftermath" Tour (more on that below) then on October 7th I went to Durkin's to watch the Pittsburgh Pirates lose the Wild Card game 4-0 to the Chicago Cubs. That was disappointing. There was a Worship Night & Bonfire at the Hays home in Yorkville on October 11th which included a train rolling through the yard. October 12th we went to Cones & Bones at Township before heading to a show at The Workshop (more on that below) where we got to see Nate Allen & hang for a bit. On October 17th we went to Pennsylvania for the Sorensen's to celebrate Elphie & I's wedding. We also visited both my grandmas. We returned to Chicago then on Monday October 19th I went to see He Is Legend (more on that below). Lisa visited us the following weekend then we did some Halloween celebrations in Uptown on October 30th including a show & going away party for Kenneth (more on that below) and Nocturna at Metro. We celebrated our second anniversary of commitment with a visit to Chicago's Shedd Aquarium on Halloween then closed the night out with a noise show at JPUSA (more on that below). After eating the heart of a deer, we returned to JPUSA the next night, November 1st, for Anti-World System's first show (more on that below). Emery came to Chicago on November 4th on their "The Question" Tour (more on that below). Grave Robber played November 7th then Tmbre played on November 8th in Chicago (more on those below). There are clips from Bunny Sitting Oliver in November & Chicago's first snow of the season fell on November 20th. Guy came to visit on November 21st & attended the mewithoutYou show with me (more on that below).
Soundtrack includes "Autumn" & "In Love With The Fall" by Leper
Show Footage From October 2015:
Filmed LIVE at Double Door in Wicker Park Chicago, Illinois Tuesday, October 6th, 2015.
Disconnecktie by Norma Jean LIVE @ Double Door (10.06.15)
"G" (Track 3) by '68 LIVE @ Double Door (10.06.15)
SleepWave LIVE @ Double Door (10.06.15)
This was the first chance I've had to see SleepWave. It was alright & I'm glad I made it in time to see them. '68 played next & I was able to film a different song than I had done previously. Norma Jean closed the night. Though my battery was nearly dead, I was still able to film most of Disconnecktie as I intended. I missed the last 30 seconds or so.
Filmed LIVE at The Workshop in Logan Square Chicago, Illinois on Sunday, October 6th, 2015.
Endolphins LIVE @ The Workshop (10.11.15)
Self-Proclaimed Narcissist LIVE @ The Workshop (10.11.15)
Open To Everything by Nate Allen LIVE @ The Workshop (10.11.15)
A Protest For Now by Common Fox Weeping LIVE @ The Workshop (10.11.15)
This was the second show I attended at The Workshop & Common Fox Weeping was on the bill again. I picked this song because it was very different from the previous song I had filmed in September. I wanted to get something new from Nate Allen & accomplished that. This was my first experience with Self Proclaimed Narcissist & it was cool. Endolphins closed the night & this was the first time seeing them as well.
Filmed LIVE at Subterranean in Wicker Park Chicago, Illinois on Monday, October 19th, 2015.
Ccclouds / I Am Hollywood by He Is Legend LIVE @ Subterranean (10.19.15)
Must Be The Holy Ghost LIVE @ Subterranean (10.19.15)
I saw Must Be The Holy Ghost with He Is Legend in the spring & found it to be very interesting as well as enjoyable. I was glad to see this on the bill again. I filmed the end of the He Is Legend set which ended up being a medley of sorts.
Filmed LIVE at Wilson Abbey in Uptown Chicago, Illinois on Friday, October 30th, 2015.
Desert Lady Shanty by Common Fox Weeping LIVE during Kenneth's last show @ Wilson Abbey (10.30.15)
Max Simmons LIVE @ Wilson Abbey (10.30.15)
This was our friend Kenneth's last show before moving away. It was also the first time I watched a Max Simmons set. It was a good start to a very long night.
Filmed LIVE at Bowels of JPUSA in Uptown Chicago, Illinois on Saturday, October 31st, 2015.
Justin Filizola LIVE @ Bowels of JPUSA (10.31.15)
Lies that Bind by Ball-Peen Hammer (a side project of Leper) LIVE @ Bowels of JPUSA (10.31.15)
It was very dark in the Bowels of JPUSA on this night so getting a good quality video wasn't easy for either performance but it was a fun way to close out Halloween nonetheless. It has been a while since I saw a noise performance such as this.
Show Footage From November 2015:
Filmed LIVE at JPUSA’s Eastwood Basement in Uptown Chicago, Illinois on Sunday, November 1st, 2015.
Anti-World System LIVE @ JPUSA’s Eastwood Basement (11.01.15)
This was Anti-World System's first show. It was fun!
Filmed LIVE at Bottom Lounge in Near West Side Chicago, Illinois on Wednesday, November 4th, 2015.
Studying Politics by Emery LIVE @ Bottom Lounge (11.04.15)
I missed that this show was going on until just a day or so before but I got in & I filmed the song I most wanted to film but I cut it off earlier than I would have liked due to forgetting that the electro song that is playing at the end would continue a bit longer. This was the first time seeing Emery in a long time.
Filmed LIVE at BrauerHouse in Lombard, Illinois on Saturday, November 7th, 2015.
Grave Robber did a cover set after they played their originals with a cover or two sprinkled into the set as well. It was Chris' last show that I would get to see with Grave Robber.
Filmed LIVE at Wilson Abbey in Uptown Chicago, Illinois on Sunday, November 7th, 2015.
Singing & Singing by Timbre LIVE @ Wilson Abbey (11.08.15)
Timbre is awesome! I actually intended to film a different song, but this one was RAD too.
Filmed LIVE at Metro in Wrigleyville Chicago, Illinois on Saturday, November 21st, 2015.
Mexican War Streets by mewithoutYOU LIVE @ Metro (11.21.15)
mewithoutYou is one of my favorite LIVE bands. Guy came to hang out & went to the show with me. I filmed my favorite new song.
A Shared Life: The Holidays - Thanksgiving 2015
Footage filmed from November 26th through November 30th, 2015. Due to my insistence of uploading videos until way too late the night before, Elphie made the decision I needed to sleep before driving east so we made a very early drive to Clymer, NY on Thanksgiving day to spend it with the Sorensen family. There was great food of course! The next day we visited my grandma. On Saturday morning I went squirrel hunting but didn't see anything. I also scouted some areas for hunting deer. That evening we went to Pittsburgh to watch the Penguins vs Oilers. Evgeni Malkin scored a highlight reel goal right in front of us but the Penguins lost. I hunted deer on Monday before returning empty-handed to Chicago.
Soundtrack includes “Feast Or Fallow” by Sandra McCracken
A Shared Life: The Holidays - December In Chicago 2015
Footage filmed from December 1st through 23rd, 2015. On December 4th, Elphie & I hit some of Chicago's Christmas attractions. On the way, she saw the Holiday bus. We visited ChristKindl Market where I found a Christmas gift & enjoyed some Swedish Christmas Soda. We went to the Lincoln Park Zoo Lights afterwards then caught a movie at the Roosevelt Collection. On December 5th, friends gathered at our place for a party for Laura & Jason. December 10th we went to "Your Friendly Christmas Tour" (more on that below) & December 11th we caught a show with Flatfoot 56 (more on that below as well). December 12th we went to the Risen Savior Talent Show then to Nocturna at Metro. December 13th we went to Krampus Mart & The Apprentice Improv Show at Under The Gun Theater to see Helen. We were planning to go to a show in the south suburbs but we were put way behind schedule after eating at a restaurant that didn't seem to want to let us pay & leave. Anyway, we brought Stewart to the comedy show too. Cornerstone Community Outreach had a staff Christmas Party where a "letter" from Trump regarding Santa Claus & the elves was read & after work we saw the Holiday train. On December 19th there was a gathering once again at our place with our neighbors for games. Moses got stuck on a chair. Nick Offerman was present at both gatherings.
Soundtrack includes “Holidays” by Dear Ephesus & “Silent Night” by Anemia
Show Footage From December 2015:
Filmed LIVE during Your Friendly Christmas Tour at Beat Kitchen in Northside Chicago, Illinois on Thursday, December 10th, 2015.
Jingle Bells - Caroling during Your Friendly Christmas Tour LIVE @ Beat Kitchen (12.10.15)
Love Means Coming Home by Red Sweater Lullaby during Your Friendly Christmas Tour LIVE @ Beat Kitchen (12.10.15)
Christmas Unicorn by Levi The Poet LIVE during Your Friendly Christmas Tour @ Beat Kitchen (12.10.15)
Thanksgiving 1987 by Dan Smith LIVE during Your Friendly Christmas Tour @ Beat Kitchen (12.10.15)
"Your Friendly Christmas Tour" was held in an upper room of the Beat Kitchen. It was a fun little show & good to catch up with Dan, Kris, & Levi. They played some originals & some covers. They provided cookies, candy, & coffee. They made us sing Christmas Carols at the end. The Christmas Carol clip I used some transparent effects to merge some of Elphie's footage with mine for some added fun & experimentation.
Filmed LIVE at BrauerHouse in Lombard, Illinois on Friday, December 11th, 2015.
Work For Them by Flatfoot 56 LIVE @ BrauerHouse (12.11.15)
Still Alive LIVE @ BrauerHouse (12.11.15)
The Capones LIVE @ BrauerHouse (12.11.15)
Besides being married & living together with Elphie, it's been a lot of fun getting to know the guys in Flatfoot 56 better while living in Chicago. They are really good dudes. I enjoy their shows so when the time comes for them to play, I try to be there. This would be their last show of the year & it was a great one & I was able to capture one of my favorite new(er) tunes of theirs. Still Alive is one of my favorite discoveries in moving to Chicago. I love their style. The Capones were fun as well.
A Shared Life: The Holidays - Christmas 2015
Footage filmed from December 23rd through 230th, 2015. We left Chicago on the afternoon of December 23rd, 2015 after I worked half the day. We hoped to beat the traffic but since it's Chicago, we were still moving slowly in our attempt to leave. The forecast called for strong storms along the route but we were fortunate to miss most of it. We encountered some cool lightning as we followed the storm toward Cincinnati. We stopped for the night in Fort Wright, KY after an attempt to get Ale 8-One at a Meijer. Before we slept we visited with our hosts, The Sheehy's & Lisa.
We left early on Christmas Eve toward Charlotte, NC encountering some more rain in the mountains. We took a pitstop at a Taco Bell to visit with The Floyd's before continuing on our way to spend the holiday with Elphie's family. While in the Charlotte area, besides the family visits on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day, we went to a restaurant an old friend of Elphie had opened called Grits N Greens. Afterwards, we walked in a nature preserve, visited some farm animals, visited more family, at at R.O's Bar-B-Cue, & visited some friends. The next day we attended church at Bethel Baptist where a friend of Elphie's is the pastor. We got gas in South Carolina then picked up some Japanese food before watching the Steelers play the Ravens. After that awful football game, we went to Tony's Ice Cream, hoping to see more friends but there was a scheduling mishap. We then rested for the night to travel north to Pennsylvania.
Before we left, Elphie had a silly string war. It was another damp trip heading north but we avoided flooding in North Carolina & ice as we made our way through the Pennsylvania hills. We made a stop at Gavino's in Pittsburgh for a seafood calzone before arriving in Warren to visit with my family. We celebrated Christmas that night then visited with my grandma the next day. We left on December 30th, 2015 to get back to Chicago.
Soundtrack includes “A Holiday Song (Happy Holidays)” by Starflyer 59, “Christmas” by A Wayward Heart, and “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” by Folk Angel.
A Shared Life: The Holidays - New Year’s Eve 2015/2016
Footage filmed from December 31st, 2015 and January 1st, 2016. There was a punk show at JPUSA featuring The Ghost Servant, Anti-World System, and Leper (more information on that below the LIVE clips). We hung out with friends playing board games after the show was over until the New Year came to pass. Oliver the Bunny made an appearance & someone shot off some fireworks. As the night came to a close the elevator did something strange. We decided to stay the night at JPUSA & I worked the next day then enjoyed a dinner with our friends before returning home.
Soundtrack includes “Auld Lang Syne” by David Galas
New Year's Eve LIVE Music Clips:
Filmed LIVE at JPUSA's Friendly Basement in Uptown Chicago, Illinois on New Year’s Eve - Thursday, December 31st, 2015.
Leper LIVE on New Year's Eve @ Friendly Basement (12.31.15)
Plague by Anti-World System LIVE on New Year's Eve @ Friendly Basement (12.31.15)
The Ghost Servant LIVE on New Year's Eve @ Friendly Basement (12.31.15)
This show made for a great way to ring in the New Year with friends. The audio from the LIVE clip of The Ghost Servant was submitted to a compilation album to be released later in the year. Anti-Word System shared the clip on their page & all over social media. This may be the only footage to feature Jim Judge in Leper. It was a different sort of set for them but I enjoyed it.
Filmed using an iPhone 6, & Sony HD Bloggie by Elphie & Joel A. Swanson.
Edited by Joel A. Swanson using Final Cut Pro on a Mac Mini.
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