As life would happen to work out for us...we decided to attend the Saturday portion of Bloodline Fest 2024 in South Bend, Indiana at The Well on Saturday November 23rd, 2024. We got up early (for us) on a Saturday and made the drive from Chicago. Unfortunately, we arrived just a bit later than intended and missed the first act of the day, NTVTY after missing the entire first night on Friday. I was bummed about that. There were some acts I'd really wish I could have caught on Friday (Joel David Weir, Chin Up) as well as wishing we had arrived early enough for NTVTY.
I made the promo fairly quickly...compiling short clips of each performance we captured and some of Elphie's other footage of the attendees and the open mic during dinner which was provided by Franky's Tacos in South Bend. I added a soundtrack of "Stress In The Midwest" by Terminus Victor. They also played the fest and they were a band I happened to see at Audiofeed and really liked. I also included the track for the full day summary project. The full day summary project includes about 30 second clips from each artist that played (after NTVTY since we were late) and quite a bit of footage that Elphie captured throughout the day while hanging out in the coffee shop and some alternate takes of the artists which I used rather than my own in a couple spots.
This was probably the fastest I worked on a video project from a fest, ha! I suppose it has to do with having only attended one day of it but even if we made it to Friday as well, I'm sure I'd have been able to get the editing done pretty quickly.
Destroy Nate Allen was in the basement and arranged the crowd in a circle like old times so everyone was in the front row. I captured the song "Bacon" and I also used Elphie's clip of the intro/theme song in the summary video.
I decided to capture the entire set from Terminus Victor. After seeing them at Audiofeed and seeing they were on the bill for Bloodline I decided it was what I wanted to capture in full if I could. Thankfully I did make it upstairs and in a good spot to watch before they started their set. They have a bit of a grungy shoe gaze sound.
Leather Phase also played in the main room. They had an interesting set and differing sounds with each song. I captured the second one that they played.
Junia played their pop punk tunes in the basement. They might have been the loudest band to play in the basement! It was a fun set and a good message spoken during the set as well about caring for the marginalized around the world and in our communities.
Real Face was in the main room and played a quiet set. It is a husband wife duo with acoustic guitar and saxophone. I sort of joked that they were a ska band! I captured a song about bicycles.
During the Dinner break there was also an open mic. Elphie captured a bit of The Lionhearted performance and I captured the Hanley Twins as they ended their performance. Elphie had captured some other footage of them earlier putting a reed into a straw and trying to make it work as a whistle. I also spoke with a guy named Charles about possibly working out giving him deer hides and other parts I'd otherwise discard due to not having a personal use for them. Franky's Tacos were great! We had the opportunity to hang with quite a few friends during the break.
Hypnagogia kicked off the rest of the evening in the main room after the dinner break. He was a goth artist as well as a DJ who would play an after party in the basement later after the last band of the fest. There was also a person wearing wings dancing to the music...and would be the rest of the evening as well, ha!
Leper followed up in the main room, appropriately enough. I captured La Ca Vrei (Take What You Want) and Elphie captured Far A Bheil Do Ghath (Where Is Thy Sting?) which I used in the summary video. She also posted her own clip on the Leper Facebook page.
Jagalchi played next in the main room. I captured a song where they had some singing. I didn't see them utilize singing vocals before when I watched them at Audiofeed. It was a cool set as well.
Dead Birds closed the night in the basement playing some acoustic, folk tunes. The song I captured was about the church they said and it was a cool song.
Meadows closed the night out. It was their first show since the unexpected passing of their bass player. I captured a song called 39x which went out to those struggling. It was a good set to end the night.
Elphie and I hung out a while after the show. Hypnagogia was DJing in the basement and when we went down, there was no one else down there, unfortunately. We could hear the music through the floor before we went down and it seemed it would be really loud but it wasn't too bad.
After we left, we stopped to charge in South Bend before heading home to Chicago where I charged again. We got home at about 2am after this.
Bloodline Fest was a good time hanging with community. It isn't the biggest event and doesn't necessarily feature the most well known names but it is a good group of folks and I am glad that it worked out to go again this year.
Additional soundtrack is "Stress In The Midwest" by Terminus Victor.
The project for A Shared Life: Summer in Chicago 2024 took place between Audiofeed X at the beginning of July and our road trip vacation in September to a few national parks, states I had never visited, as well as Canadian provinces that were new to both Elphie and me. That road trip was followed up by my attendance at Furnace Fest 2024: End of an Era.
This footage includes a few fireworks shows, a few baseball games, some storms, some driving, as well as annual summer events such as the Chicago Air and Water Show and Lollapalooza. Well, my footage is a drive by of Lollapalooza. We made a quick weekend fly out to North Carolina and had a visit from the Vermin Supreme campaign as they were in town for the Democratic National Convention.
There is also a fair amount of live concert footage including the return of Brick Assassin. I captured that show in its entirety!
The intro to the project is the same as I have been doing. I took a few still photos and then created a title page using Motion.
On Tuesday July 9th, 2024, I went to the Beat Kitchen to see Brave Days. I missed the first band and decided to just capture footage from the Brave Days set. Earlier in the day, I somewhat helped connect them to J.P.U.S.A. for a place to sleep. I had some conversation with the band previously about this show but didn't realize it was that night until I was at work and trying to coordinate with them for a place to sleep.
On Wednesday July 10th, 2024 I went to Wilson Abbey to see a show by The Crossing. It would be their second to last show ever. It was apparently scheduled for Tony Krogh to be able to play for his family who had come to visit for the first time in many years. I captured the song "Roman Rule" from the set. I wish I could see the final show but we will be gone on our way to our vacation by then.
On the way home, I ended up driving as the Navy Pier fireworks were going off. Had I thought about it, I may have parked at Montrose Harbor and watched before making the drive home. I ended up capturing some of the firework show using my Crosstour CR-900 as I drove by.
On Friday July 12th, 2024, I went to watch the Pittsburgh Pirates play again the Chicago White Sox at Guaranteed Rate Field. It turned out to be a firework night! The Pirates won the game 4-1. The post game fireworks lasted about 10 minutes and there was a Jimmy Buffet theme. I had also captured a clip of some hula dancers during one of the inning breaks. As I left the stadium, I captured a shot of downtown Chicago as the old Comiskey Park home plate.
07.13.2024 - 07.22.2024 On Saturday July 13th, 2024, we attended the Ollie Mob BBQ. It was held at Kyle's house this year and it was a good time gathering with friends who could make it! They had Reggies cater it this year so we had some good pulled pork and mac-n-cheese among other tasty foods. I skipped the Pirates win over the White Sox for this, ha! On Sunday July 14th, 2024 I went to the Pirates game against the White Sox again and the Pirates won 9-4. They completed a sweep going into the All-Star Break and things were looking promising for the season at this point. That wouldn't last much longer. In fact, it didn't even last until the Pirates came back to Chicago on Labor Day.
I didn't get footage of this but I drove to the EVGo chargers nearby to get a fast charge and just after I plugged in to charge, a tornado warning sounded. The other person charging unplugged and took off. I figured that there wasn't much I could do at that point should a tornado happen to be in that general area so I remained plugged in. It got pretty windy and heavy rain and I didn't think any footage I captured would show much. It was nighttime so it was quite dark, however, there was a lot of lightning flashing as well...just no bolts to capture. The next night on Monday July 15th, 2024, however, I did go outside to see what I could capture as we were once again having tornado warnings. I didn't stay out in it too long as the affected area seemed like it could be pretty close to us. Since it was dark again, it was hard to see what might be out there. I'm not sure if it was the moisture from the storms but as I made my commute on Tuesday morning July 16th, 2024, there was interesting cloud cover over the city. There were also some downed limbs in the neighborhood but nothing to impede my commute.
On Friday July 19th, 2024, Elphie and I went to see Twisters in the AMC Cicero theater. We parked next to a sports car which had a Modelo beer can in the cup holder. Thankfully, no tornadoes hit while we were watching the movie!
I drove to Warren on Saturday July 20th, 2024. I needed to get the car inspected in Pennsylvania which I had scheduled for Monday and would use a sick day. I made the trip without much of anything noteworthy happening. I drank another Mountain Dew Infinite Swirl and brought one for my mom to taste as well. On Sunday July 21st, 2024, I went to church and lunch with my family at Mama Jane's which has replaced Perkins. After lunch, while watching the Pirates game on television, some fawns came through the backyard right next to the window then relaxed under a tree. They were there for quite a while before apparently being summoned by their mother. My mom and I went and got ice cream at River's Edge in the evening.
I woke up early on Monday morning July 22nd, to drive to Erie, PA to Hallman Chevrolet dealership for my inspection, tire rotation, and for the Auto Butler appointment and also to have a dent removed from a rock hitting the car in the spring. I got the inspection and the tire rotation. They stated that they could not remove the dent due to apparently not being equipped to do so and they didn't do the Auto Butler either. I drove back to Chicago and got in town relatively early. I didn't have much noteworthy on the commute either except that I arrived at a EVGo charging station that ended up being out of order. I made the decision to try to drive to the next one and looked into some emergency plans in case I didn't have enough to quite make it. I ended up pushing on and making it to the next station in South Bend with some miles to spare! This ended up being a longer charge for that reason but it was ok. I was still having difficulties with the Electrify America app not properly giving my account the discount it was meant to give. This eventually got reimbursed and I ultimately had to cancel my Electrify America account and make a new one which resulted in a refund of the money they hold for charging. I think, in a way, that worked out to my benefit really.
On Wednesday July 24th, 2024, Leper played a show in Berwyn, Illinois at a place called The Outtaspace. We had been there once before. They played with a couple other local area bands. It was cool to see Bill there! I captured "Black Lacy Veil (Voal Negru De Dantela)" from Leper's set and it was the first time they had played that in a while and the first time for me to capture it in quite a while as well.
07.28.2024 - 08.05.2024 On Sunday July 28th, 2024, Elphie got a puzzle piece tattoo on her butt by The Enigma. He was at Sideshow Gelato and Elphie was able to schedule a time to get it done while he was there. We got some gelato afterwards then went to visit Kate at Outskirts Vintage before getting pho at Dong Ky. While leaving we encountered terrible traffic on Lake Shore so once I was able to take an exit, we took a scene Ashland Avenue drive.
I captured my drive-bys of Lollapalooza from Lake Shore Drive on both Thursday August 1st and Friday August 2nd, 2024. On Monday August 5th, 2024, we had a "Winchester" at Denny's in Oakbrook Terrace. We coordinated the best that we could a pick up for The Castros and took them to their very first "Winchester"! We took Roosevelt all the way out in hopes to alleviate some highway anxieties.
08.07.2024 On Wednesday August 7th, 2024, I went to Subterranean to see The Juliana Theory on their tour for the 25th Anniversary of "Understand This Is A Dream." They played through that entire album, shared some stories then played a short set of other hits as an encore. I captured "Duane Joseph" as it felt appropriate especially with the tagline of the tour announcement. I expected it to be a sold out packed room but the crowd seemed a bit lighter than my anticipation.
On Thursday August 8th, 2024, I captured some footage of the practice flights for the Chicago Air and Water Show while going to get my lunch. As I left work, there was some sort of protest or demonstration happening outside of Truman College. It seemed that it had something to due with bicycles.
08.09.2024 On Friday August 9th, 2024, The Castros put together a show in the J.P.U.S.A. Garden Room. They had Alma Russ play with them as she was passing through the area on tour and some J.P.U.S.A. members in their band called Men And Angels. I captured "Cuckoo" by Men And Angels, "Deep River Blues" by Alma Russ and "Fly Away" by The Castros.
On Saturday August 10th, 2024, I got up early for a Saturday to try to catch some of the Chicago Air And Water Show. I decided to get off the train at Roosevelt then walk to the lake and head north along the lake shore. I hoped to be able to see something as I walked but the staging area was obstructed by the city buildings. I eventually got to the Ohio Street Beach area where I set up to watch the show south of the staging area. I was able to be shaded along the support wall of Lake Shore Drive. I captured quite a bit of footage of the aircraft doing their aerial tricks and fly bys. I got home then pretty much promptly left for Navy Pier for The Great American Lobsterfest. Elphie came with me this year and while we did have a bit of a wait, we got our meals and enjoyed them both! After the lobster, Elphie got a churro sundae. We then waited for the Navy Pier Fireworks, finding an empty bench to sit on as we waited. It was a good, quick show. We slowly made our way to the car then eventually out of Navy Pier to go home.
08.13.2024 Afterwork, I parked then hung out by Wrigley Field to try to hear some of the sets by Rancid and Smashing Pumpkins. I didn't care about sticking around for Green Day. I got there as Rancid ended and listened to the whole set by the Smashing Pumpkins before I left. I captured some footage.
On Thursday August 15th, 2024, Little Jessi hooked me up with a guest list spot for her show at Reggies. The Mad Caddies were headlining, The Iron Roses were direct support, and Little Jessi and Something To Do opened the show. She had just flown back from some Europe dates a day or so before. I had asked if she was going to be there to play, just out of curiosity, and she offered to try to get me on the guest list. That was way cool of her! I captured "Richard Spencer Punched In The Head" by Something To Do during their set. I captured "Screaming for A Change" from The Iron Roses. Apparently the Mad Caddies were stuck in Canada at the Halifax, Nova Scotia airport for a couple of days and barely made it to the show! They had to borrow the gear of The Iron Roses.
08.16.2024 - 08.25.2024 On Friday August 16th, 2024, I left work a bit early to catch a flight to Charlotte, NC with Elphie to celebrate her sister's 50th birthday! We encountered a storm arriving in North Carolina and routed a bit around it. I captured some lightning outside of the plane as we were approaching. The birthday party was on Saturday August 17th, 2024 and there was some good Carolina BBQ to be had along with R.O.'s Slaw. Elphie helped with the balloon purchase of which there were many! It was something of a pool party and we enjoyed the pool for a bit until a storm came in. On Sunday August 18th, Elphie reserved a room at the Golden Corral to celebrate her sister and her mom's birthdays and probably some other birthdays in there as well. It was a good gathering of folks and good food. We flew back to Chicago on Monday August 19th, 2024. Before we left, I made sure to eat some more BBQ with R.O.'s Slaw! We ended up having a very delayed flight due to continued storms around Charlotte. The plane was diverted to Greenville, SC which wasn't all that far away. It had to be diverted to refuel. A lot of people rescheduled and we ended up having a pretty empty flight to Chicago. As we flew, we passed over Cincinnati and all our friends there so I decided to capture a clip of that. The delay made things a bit weird because we had some of the Vermin Supreme crew needing a place to stay during the Democratic National Convention. When we finally got back to Chicago and to the house, they were there waiting on us. We got them situated and then I went to bed so I could get back to work!
On Wednesday August 21st, 2024, I captured some footage of the road blocks for the DNC on my way to work. That evening, we attended a Vermin Supreme Presidential Rally at Sideshow Gelato. They made a flavor of gelato in Vermin's honor. The rally was interesting to say the least but it was a good time. On Friday August 23rd, 2024, we attended the last of the summer BBQ's at the Holy Trinity Community house. We provided some venison burger which everyone seemed to enjoy. It was a good time hanging out there. On our drive home from getting groceries on Saturday August 24th, 2024, I captured a large piece of debris on the highway with my CrossTour CR-900. It explained the traffic slowing down!
08.27.2024 On Tuesday August 27th, 2024, the street where I work was taken over by the "Chicago P.D." television show. It made it difficult coming and going from our building. I had to get an escort returning from lunch. I captured a few clips of a murder scene outside the building. That evening, Brick Assassin was playing a reunion show at Liar's Club. It was an all punk lineup and a lot of fun. I decided to bring my Canon Rebel T6s and hoped I could get set up in such a way I'd not get knocked into too much and have the microphone base break again (this happened last time Brick Assassin played, ha! Some guy walked through me instead of passed me and as a result broke the base of the microphone. I ended up having to use Gorilla Glue and so far it's held up ok!). Other bands who played were Kaleko Urdangak from Basque Country somewhere in the Spain area of Europe and locals Bad Sons and Danger Feet. I captured the whole set of everyone but Danger Feet. I wasn't quite ready when they started and was still trying to figure out where to set up. I probably missed about 2-3 minutes of their set.
08.28.2024 - 09.10.2024 As I left Liar's Club after midnight on Wednesday August 28th, 2024, I captured lightning using the CrossTour CR-900. During my commute to work on Thursday August 29th, 2024, I captured the cloud cover over the city again using the CrossTour CR-900. On the commute on Friday August 30th, 2024, I captured the set up for the beach volleyball tournament on Oak Street Beach.
I decided to go to watch the Pittsburgh Pirates play the Chicago Cubs at Wrigley Field on Monday September 2nd, 2024 through Wednesday September 4th, 2024. The weather was nice for all three games and I was able to secure fairly low priced tickets. The Pirates won 5-3 on Monday September 2nd, 2024 during a Labor Day Margaritaville/Jimmy Buffet themed game. This ended up being the second time this year as the White Sox had one as well. How did both Chicago teams had Margaritaville/Jimmy Buffet nights against the Pirates? Weird. As I drove home I captured the American flag displayed on the downtown buildings for Labor Day. On Tuesday September 3rd, 2024, the Pirates won again! This time they got a shutout 5-0. I got home to collect the mail and found a big spider. My streak of Pittsburgh teams winning while I was in attendance in 2024 ran out on Wednesday September 4th, 2024. Not only did the Pirates lose, they couldn't even get a hit and lost bad! The score was 12-0. My streak ended at 6 events (one for the Penguins, and five for the Pirates - three against the Cubs and two against the White Sox).
On Saturday September 7th, 2024, Elphie and I tried some Baja Blast gelato while at the Taco Bell in Highland, Indiana as part of our grocery trip. I thought it tasted like a sherbet and I thought it was pretty good. 09.11.2024 On Wednesday September 11th, 2024, Elphie and I went to see +LIVE+ with Stone Temple Pilots and Soul Asylum at the Huntington Bank Pavilion on Northerly Island in Chicago. Due to the early start, I had Elphie meet me near Reggies where we could catch a couple of busses and get to the venue without paying high parking prices. She bought us some tacos from Tio Luis. We got the seats for $25 using the Live Nation/Ticketmaster deal. The last time we had been in that venue, there was a seated bleacher area but the rest was just standing room. We had a decent spot I think. I captured "Selling The Drama" by +LIVE+, "Big Empty" by Stone Temple Pilots, and "Runaway Train" by Soul Asylum. All were hits for the bands and "Big Empty was used in The Crow soundtrack.
This was the last thing we did prior to leaving on our vacation to end the summer so it is the end of this project.
Furnace Fest 2024: The End Of An Era was held at Sloss Furnaces in Birmingham Alabama during the first weekend of October. It had been the third weekend of September each of the previous years of this era but with it falling into October, that worked out well for me! Elphie and I had a road trip vacation planned for September and we returned with a few days in between before I had to leave for Furnace Fest. I had purchased my ticket at Furnace Fest 2023 due to the announcement that 2024 would be "the end of the era." I figured I didn't want to miss the last one. I suppose time will tell on if it was indeed the last one...or if and when a new era will begin.
I worked out a spot in an AirBnB with Chris Smith and we were fortunate that the host didn't decide to cancel on us. Some folks weren't so lucky, even having cancelations happen as they were in commute to Birmingham. There would be 12 of us in the AirBnB...I would be in a bunk bed sharing the room with three other dudes.
When The Blamed set up a pre-show, I decided to book a Thursday morning flight so that I could be in Birmingham early enough to catch the show. I hoped if there were any delays, it would not be such that I couldn't get there in time. Instead, Southwest bumped the flight earlier by a few hours! Same occurred with my return red-eye flight on bumped up about an hour earlier.
Despite having just finished a road trip vacation of two weeks, I didn't feel too much exhaustion going into Furnace Fest...other than being tired due to waking at 5am for the early flight. I am glad that I went and it was another great experience! If it is indeed the last one, it went out on a high note! It was cool meeting a few new people, including a celebrity, ha! as well as getting see a few bands I never had the chance to see while they were more active such as Dogwood, Slick Shoes, and No Innocent Victim. Audiofeed set up a booth to get the word out to the Furnace Fest folks and it also allowed for a place to rest a bit here and there. I think that was especially helpful for me as I didn't feel as worn down when everything ended as I did in prior years.
With the camera restrictions set in place at Furnace Fest, I was using my iPhone 14 once again to capture all the footage. At times it was hard to get a clear shot of the stage. Sometimes I was quite far away. This isn't the best footage out there by any means but it is what I captured for my own nostalgic purposes anticipating my elder and senile years to come.
I wasn't entirely sure how I wanted to build the promo/intro project. I thought about doing a similar thing to what I did with Audiofeed this year...which is basically what I ended up doing with the footage from both festivals in 2023. When I sat down to create this, I thought about what I did with the 2021 promo. I'm not particularly happy with that one, but the idea I wanted to revisit showed the previous era of Furnace Fest from 2000-2003 with footage I found on YouTube and pulled for my own purposes. At the time, I recorded it off the screen and the audio was pretty low. I decided to pull some of that same footage again to use. This footage is of Norma Jean performing "Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste" and Andrew WK performing "Party Hard." Both clips are from the Shed and as I probably wrote when sharing that project, both clips were influential in my wanting to attend Furnace Fest. Even though Andrew WK never did make his return, I decided using that footage again was worth while. I thought that they probably highlighted some of the best of the festival experiences of 2000-2003. As I did in 2021, I included a clip from the Beloved set I captured in the Shed. I added a clip from Pennywise playing the "Bro Hymn" on the main stage in 2023 and finally clips from this year of Norma Jean playing "Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste" again with Josh Scogin, Scottie Henry, and Chris "Derr" Day joining the band and a clip from Underoath performing "Writing On The Wall" to close out Furnace Fest. I added several of the promotional graphics put out by Furnace Fest over the last year and then did some manipulation of some of the footage using some favorite effects - Aged Film and Bad TV. The project is less than two minutes but I feel it works well as an End Of An Era promo.
I woke up at 5:00am on Thursday October 3rd, 2024 so I could have time to shower, finish the last little bit of packing, and make the transit commute on the CTA to Midway Airport for my 8:00am Southwest flight to Birmingham, Alabama for Furnace Fest and some of the pre-festival festivities. I got through the TSA screening and to my gate before sunrise! I ended up capturing a little bit of that while waiting to board the flight. There were quite a few folks on the flight coming from Chicago (and elsewhere due to connections coming through Chicago). We arrived at Birmingham Shuttlesworth Airport around 9:45am and I went to a restroom to change into shorts. Apparently while doing that, there was a group photo taken of all the Furnies and Slossages who had been on that Chicago flight! I went and rested a bit on one of the rocking chairs and tried to determine what my next steps would be. Marco Castro had set up a Pop Up show at Bandido Coffee with Kevin Schlereth and dubbed it a Furnace Fest and Audiofeed meet-up. This was scheduled to start at 2pm so I had several hours before that still. I reached out to Otto Jensen who was also flying to Birmingham to see if he had touched down yet. He had not...I was hoping to perhaps coordinate a ride into the city with someone I knew. Perhaps I should have gone outside rather than sit on the rocking chair and worked something out with folks from the Chicago flight. Oh well...
I reached out to Marco to try to see what he was doing and how he might be getting around the city. It turned out he was in a hotel and had until at least 1pm before he had to leave. He mentioned that he wanted to take a nap so at this point I booked an Uber to his hotel and utilized the room to also take a nap. The Uber driver was cool and the app somehow managed to double my tip for him, ha! During the drive, I captured a quick clip of the Sloss Furnaces. At the hotel, I met Rob Froese of Friend Club Records and his partner Megan. They were in the lobby planning to go get some food and Marco talked to them about Audiofeed and his Pop up event at the nearby Bandido Coffee. We ended up signing their yearbooks and Megan gave us crabs...not like that! It was a squishy rubber crab toy. We parted ways and Marco and I both enjoyed a quick hour or so nap in his hotel room. I woke up feeling fairly refreshed but had to this point I didn't see much reason to try to fall asleep again and just waited on Marco to wake. I was able to capture a shot of the Vulcan statue from Marco's room! Once he was ready to go, we headed down to the lobby. Being the hype man that he is, Marco talked to the hotel staff about his Pop up show as well as about Furnace Fest and had convinced one of them to come out to Furnace Fest! Apparently it would be her first real concert!
We walked around the corner to Bandido Coffee. I noted that there was a pizza restaurant in the same building and considered getting some food there. At Bandido Coffee, we ran into the band Painted Light who was in town and playing one of the pre-shows for Furnace Fest. It turned out that they had been potentially booked to play the most recent Audiofeed but had to back out due to scheduling issues. We had some good conversation with those guys before they had to leave for load in at their show. I ordered a decent dark roast cup of coffee and then Otto sent me a message that he and Laura were nearby getting some BBQ. I ended up meeting up with them at Jim 'N Nick's BBQ and also got some BBQ for lunch. We caught up for a bit then we all went back to Bandido Coffee. Marco decided to begin the "show" part of the Pop up and he played a couple of tunes. I captured his introduction as well as his rendition of "What Does The Fox Say?"
After Kevin wrapped up his set, most everyone went on their separate ways. I was considering finding my way to Workplay to get my wristband and Kevin decided he also wanted to make his way over there. I hitched a ride with Kevin and Marco also came along. I got my wristband and while hanging around, I saw Zach Bridier. While we were talking, I considered if LCY Media where The Blamed had their pre-show set up was in walking distance. Zach was also going to that show and as we talked I figured I'd put my stuff in his vehicle. Then I saw Chris Smith and the crew he traveled with so I figured since I would be staying with them, I would put my stuff with them as well. We drove over to LCY Media and a few of us decided to get dinner at Birmingham's Wings and Waffles. I got some honey BBQ wings and glazed waffles. I asked a local about this "white" BBQ sauce and how it tasted like ranch dressing to me. I was corrected that it was NOT ranch dressing, ha! It was a bit of a long wait but we got our food. It turned out that a BBQ was set up at LCY Media as well.
Everyone who went to this show got a V.I.P. lanyard and poster. I got in a merch line so I could get some patches from The Blamed as well as the 3" vinyl. I was also tipped off by Zach about the Death Machine 7' being sold at the Living Sacrifice table and got a patch from them as well. I am glad that he did because it sold out before Living Sacrifice even played!
Spoken In Tongues opened the night. It is a project of Billy Power. I captured the song "A Wasted Day In Mexco." (I mis-labeled it as just Wasted Day...I probably should have looked at the recordings prior to my typing this now and I could have gotten it right. Apologies). I thought they put on a pretty good show.
The Blamed played next and I captured a newer song called "I Don't Want 2" which Bryan Gray wrote as he recovered from a serious medical emergency he endured a few years back. Bryan had to play while sitting but it didn't slow him down any and the set was great!
Living Sacrifice closed out the night. It was Arthur Green's 50th birthday and he was surprised with a cake just before the set began. I captured "Reject" at the end of the set when Jason Truby and his son took stage to do some guest work (Jason on guitar and his son on percussion). It was a fun set and sounded great as well.
We left pretty quickly after the show ended as most of us had little sleep. I quickly said goodbye to Sid. Unfortunately, we didn't really have much time to connect but I got a souvenir to him from our Australia and New Zealand trip last year (we hadn't had a chance to see him before this!). We arrived at the AirBnB after a little bit of GPS confusion and settled in for the night.
We all woke up at the AirBnB and prepared for the day with showers and/or breakfast. Since we already had wristbands, we were able to by-pass some of the line as we entered Furnace Fest! Chris had V.I.P. parking so we were conveniently located for merch drops. Upon arrival, I met up with those running the Audiofeed booth for a few moments before securing the Unoriginal Vinyl/Tooth And Nail releases exclusive to Furnace Fest. I looked through some of the test presses that they brought out as well and then checked out the Equal Vision Records booth for a minute. I didn't really pick anything else up at the time though I would later get some samplers from the Charon Collective and the new press of Emery's The Weak's End. After dropping off the merch at Chris' vehicle, we noticed a side entrance and utilized that.
I went to a booth that had "Fro-Zen Smoothies" and ordered a Cherry Creamsicle." This ended up being my morning breakfast upon arrival each day and it was quite good.
The first band I decided to check out was called Double Tap. I believe they were a Birmingham local and they put on a good show. They played on the Monster Energy Pond Stage.
As I left, I captured some scenic footage of the pond.
In the Arsenal Strength Shed Stage, I watched Bury Your Dead, capturing Magnolia and Bury Your Fucking Dead (Losin' it) at the end of their set. The vocalist announced it as his last time playing with the band. There was a pretty good pile on...which ended up often being the shots I would capture during the sets in the Shed in particular.
I walked over to the Heart Support Main Stage next to see some of the set by Dying Wish. Marco has kept hyping them up and I didn't have conflict so I figured it was worth it to check them out. I captured the song "Torn From Your Silhouette." As I left that area, I saw good ole' Sean Huncherick in his Amy Grant shirt! We talked briefly before I moved along back to the Shed.
Back at the Shed I watched the set by Bleeding Through. They set up a Shed long circle pit and I captured a few seconds of that as well as a song clip.
I went back over to the pond to hear the first few songs by Slow Joy. In the footage I captured, it seems I caught the guy who took my order at Birmingham's Wings and Waffles the night before.
Back in the Shed, I watched He Is Legend perform their "I Am Hollywood" album play through. I was intent on capturing "Dinner With A Gypsy" and it worked out!
I remained in the Shed to watch the start of Emery's set. They were meant to do an album playthrough of "The Weak's End" but they started the set with a few songs from other albums. I ended up capturing the opening song which was "Thrash."
I decided I wanted to get a full set each day of Furnace Fest again this year and for Friday I settled on Silent Planet. They ended up playing a few minutes short and having to cut some songs due to ongoing technical issues on the Main Stage. It was still a great set and I thought it sounded good overall as well.
I ended up taking a break from the bands for quite a while...probably longer than I had intended actually. I got a "jumbo" quesadilla from Romega Taqueria for dinner and while it was good, I learned of another booth selling street tacos at $3 each. Also, I'm not sure I'd call that quesadilla "jumbo." During this break, I got the samplers from the Charon Collective and the Emery vinyl then met Chris to do a merch drop before getting three of those street tacos from Mi Pueblo. In line, I encountered Leanor (Jeff The Girl) from Five Iron Frenzy. I told her of how we had recently visited Scum of the Earth in Denver while seeing our friends the Filizola's. It was cool to talk to her for a minute. I went back to the Audiofeed booth where I had eaten the quesadilla earlier to eat the tacos. I headed over to the Shed to see Coalesce. As I entered and the space was packed, someone got hurt and the band shut it down. It turned out to be the end of the Bane set. They apparently were able to clear out the injured person and Coalesce was able to get set up to play.
The Coalesce set didn't have the best sound going for it but I watched it until the end, capturing a clip somewhere in the middle. I had thoughts of capturing a song at the end but they didn't give a warning that it was the end of the set.
As I left the shed, I decided to get a quick shot of the Sloss water tower. I went to the main stage and watched the rest of the August Burns Red set. I captured "Composure" which closed out the night. It was a pretty big crowd at the main stage and I hung back near the fence for the V.I.P. folks.
I exited from the side gate and we were able to leave pretty quickly out of the parking lot and to the AirBnB. Quite a few of us stayed up way to late chit chatting.
After the late night on Friday, Chris and I both got up pretty early on Saturday. Chris wanted to help out with the Straight Edge Root Beer Social and I wanted to be sure to be on the Furnace Fest grounds in case there was something to score from merch. The root beer social was fun and there was some good root beer to be had too. On my way into Furnace Fest, a friendly girl named Margaret (I think) struck up a conversation and it turned out she was from Asheville. She said she had been spared of damage for the most part but knew a lot of folks who had gotten it pretty bad. During the conversation, I told her a bit about Audiofeed as well. Once again, upon arrival, I hung around a while at the Audiofeed booth. I ended up getting a shirt from No Innocent Victim which was the only merch purchase I made. I got another Cherry Creamsicle smoothie for breakfast as well!
I stepped out of the Shed for a few minutes to utilize the port-o-potty and then watch the first few songs from Greyhaven on the Monster Energy Pond Stage. I ended up capturing their first song called "In A Room Where Everything Dies."
I went back to the Shed to see Evergreen Terrace and the Shed was packed! This was the case in 2021 as well and I couldn't see anything so I didn't get any footage. I did my best to at least capture some footage this year and I got "Dear Live Journal."
I left the Shed so I could see some of My Epic playing on the Heart Support Main Stage. I ended up capturing one of my new favorite songs called "Wildflowers."
After the My Epic set, I got a Bad Luck Burger Club burger then went to the Audiofeed booth to hang out for a while. There was meant to be a group photo which did happen a couple different times as folks kept coming that had missed it. Reese Roper ended up stopping by as well and I told him how I wish Five Iron Frenzy hadn't dropped the year that they were lined up to play. Hopefully they will play one day in the future! We also possibly had some of the Officer Negative guys visit the booth as well.
I headed back to the Shed to catch some of the Shai Hulud set. I'm not sure what song I captured but I think in hindsight after catching some of the lyrics during the editing process, it might have been "Two and Twenty Misfortunes."
No Innocent Victim was one of the sets I had in mind to capture in its entirety once they were announced as booked for Furnace Fest and they played on Saturday. Schedule wise, it worked out fairly well. I was able to make my way toward the front but by the wall. I ended up setting up by the A.D.A. section and having a fairly good spot to capture video. I noticed Loyal Thurman from Unified Underground on side stage singing along throughout the set! Josh from Dogwood did a guest vocal on "Reunion" and there was a huge pile on during "My Beliefs." I was glad I was able to capture this entire set and have a decently clear view through most of it.
Slick Shoes was playing on the Pond during the later part of the No Innocent Victim set. I got over there to see the last couple of songs and end up capturing "Darko." I never had the chance to see them play before so I am glad I caught a little bit of that. I guess there was a bit of a scheduling conflict in that I did miss most of their set in favor of No Innocent Victim.
Back in the Shed, I watched the first half of the Stretch Arm Strong set and captured their first song which was "Worst Case Scenario." There were balloons with blinking lights inside. People were just hitting them around at first then began to pop them and throwing the lights. i think at least one person got hit near the eye. Hopefully there wasn't any severe damage done to anyone hit with the lights.
I left the Shed, utilized the port-o-potty again and then ordered a hot dog from Stephen's Hotdog wagon located by the pond. Five Iron Frenzy was playing and doing their "old school set." After I finished the hot dog, I captured "Fistful of Sand." I stayed to watch the rest of the set. I think that I probably missed one or two songs.
I went back in the Shed to watch Poison The Well. I captured the song "Nerdy." Early in their set, while the Shed was packed, there was a minor confrontation with a drunk guy that I am glad didn't escalate more. He was obnoxious and I was eventually able to get some distance from him and his crew.
I ended the night sitting at the Audiofeed booth hanging with friends there. Chris and some of the AirBnB crew were heading to an aftershow with Demon Hunter so I was waiting for the others who were not going to that show in our AirBnB crew to come through during their exit but apparently I missed them. I did manage to get in touch with some of them and get to a spot to meet them and then get a ride back. The Magee's offered a ride otherwise so I think it would have been all taken care of. It turned out Jeff, another one from the AirBnB was also still on site and took a "sketchy Uber" to the AirBnB. We could have coordinated a ride for him as well had we known. Oh well. I went to bed fairly early and hoped there would be someone getting on site at Sloss so I could get in the line for the Blindside merch as they were dropping a couple exclusive vinyls.
I woke up on Sunday October 6th, 2024 and everyone else in the room still were sleeping. I took a shower and when I finished up, they were mostly awake. Chris had wanted to do a breakfast hang at a Waffle House. I decided I would ride along but perhaps walk over to Sloss from the Waffle House if needed. It turned out Jeff also wanted to get in the Blindside line so that was the plan, we'd walk from the Waffle House to Furnace Fest. Chris at this point decided to just drive to Sloss and eat something at the car. We got in the Blindside line and happened to be a few people behind a celebrity - Brock Dittus (if you are on the 90's Christian Music Recovery Group on Facebook then you know who I am talking about)! It became a running joke to capture Brock sightings so I did capture a clip of him in the line as well as a train crossing the entrance to Sloss. We waited in that line for about two hours. I was told that besides having the new pressings of "A Thought Crushed My Mind" and "About A Burning Fire" that they also had some pressings of "With Shivering Hearts We Wait" so I hoped to get a copy of that as well. The wait was long, no doubt, but the time passed with fun conversations and friends dropping in from time to time.
While waiting in the line I captured the best footage I could get of '68 performing on the Heart Support Main Stage. I captured "Death Is A Lottery." They finished up their set doing a The Chariot cover but I was just getting done making my Blindside merch purchase. I was abruptly told no that they did not have "With Shivering Hearts We Wait" and that I was limited to one copy per album. I also picked up a book from the Dogwood table before taking the merch to Chris' car.
Upon re-entering, I got another Cherry Creamsicle smoothie and hung out a bit at the Audiofeed booth again. I coordinated a ride to the airport with the Magee's and figured I'd help with the Audiofeed booth teardown as well since would be there waiting to leave. I also captured some footage of the food trucks I had visited so far including Bad Luck Burger Club and Romega Taqueria.
I made my way over to the Monster Energy Pond Stage to catch some of the Codeseven set. I was capturing the first song called "Laissez-Faire" and noticed smoke coming from the generator truck. Eventually the production team also noticed it and took off running toward the truck then the sound cut out. It stopped smoking for a moment then began again for a bit longer. While I waited to see if they might get started again, I noticed a guy who looked like Beavis so naturally I captured a clip of him.
I decided to head into the Arsenal Strength Shed Stage for The Showdown. I couldn't resist getting snakebit, afterall! There were water balloons being launched with a slingshot and being tossed from the stage during the set. I captured "Dagon Undone (The Reckoning)." Sean Huncherick also was captured stage diving and crowd surfing.
When Dogwood was announced for Furnace Fest, I knew I wanted to capture their entire set. They are another band I missed when they were active and I wasn't about it miss it during Furnace Fest. I did have the unfortunate luck of a large man standing pretty much directly in front of me but I did the best I could on capturing the set and enjoying anyway. They were playing on the pond stage so I ended up capturing one full set at each stage this year.
Dogwood Setlist: 1. Preschool Days 2. Suffer 3. Rest Assured
As I left the Dogwood set, I ran into Lee from Audiofeed and Cornerstone. We caught up for a few minutes before I went to get some dinner. He had been watching Drug Church and they finished up as we were talking.
After getting a slice of pizza from the Pazzo truck, I went back to the Shed to see H2O. I captured "Still Here."
I went back to the pond stage to see some of The Juliana Theory play. I ended up capturing "Into The Dark" before heading to the main stage. They started playing all songs from Understand This Is A Dream but switched it up after the fourth song.
At the main stage, Extol was playing with Bruce from Living Sacrifice filling in on vocals. They tossed out red wristbands that had "Extol" printed on them and made a joke about how one can toss them in the trashcan. This and a few other things showed their awareness of the silly occurrence from last year when they were unable to make the trip due to slow processing of the government in regards to visas. I captured "A Gift Beyond Human Reach."
As Norma Jean began to play on the main stage, I got some tacos from Mi Pueblo again. They had the best prices and really good food! I ended up capturing "Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste" along with many other people. Josh Scogin, Scottie Henry, and Chris "Derr" Day of the original era of Norma Jean came out to do the song which added to its greatness!
Blindside was one of the bands that I missed in 2022 when I chose not to go to Furnace Fest that I had regrets about missing. This year they were meant to play the entirety of the "About A Burning Fire" but skipped a couple songs in favor of their hits from Silence (which they played in its entirety in 2022). I ended up capturing "About A Burning Fire" at the end of their set.
Underoath closed out Furnace Fest playing from "They're Only Chasing Safety" but I captured "When The Sun Sleeps" from their encore. I also included the very end of "Writing On The Walls" because of the massive pile-on. It seemed fitting to include it.
I left quickly after the Underoath set ended so I could get my bag and merch purchases from Chris' car so he and his crew could get back to the AirBnB and sleep before their long drive. I found part of the gates were gone to the side of the main stage area and went through that to get to Chris's car. I also used that to get back in and head to the Audiofeed booth where the Magee's would be so I could get the ride to the airport. I captured some footage of the mass exodus from Furnace Fest as well as the Audiofeed flyer that was hanging near the booth advertising our festival for next year. I helped where I could with tearing down the booth. I caught up with Lee for a few moments as he left the grounds and also a few other friends. Eventually, once everything was taken down and packed away, the Magee's took me to the airport where I attempted to sleep a little bit before having to go through the TSA checkpoint.
After trying to sleep a little bit...I maybe got 30-45 minutes, I woke up having to pee and the lights were on and folks were working the customer service desks. I went to the restroom and got myself together so I could go through the TSA checkpoint. My crotch region set off the scanning system again for some reason so I had to deal with the pat down but otherwise I got through relatively smoothly. Another person apparently set it off in the same region of her body. I noticed a few of the same folks I flew down from Chicago were also going through TSA so I assumed that they would be on the flight with me again. A few of them were sitting near where I was trying to sleep as well. I also noticed the infamous Brock Dittus. I ended up walking behind him toward the gates. I stopped to use the restroom and then proceeded to the gate for the Chicago flight. Two of the guys from the AirBnB were there! I suppose had I known they also were taking the red-eye flight, perhaps I would have also gone back to the AirBnB and tried to sleep a few minutes in a bed. Oh well. Sitting right behind them was Brock Dittus. Apparently he would be flying to Chicago as well. I snapped a quick covert pic of him and posted it in the 90s Christian Music Recovery Group page as sightings of Brock had become a running joke during Furnace Fest. He looked up after I made the post and acknowledged me with a nod, ha! A little bit later he came over and we "met" officially which included a quick selfie. It was a funny moment. He apparently had at least one connecting flight on to Portland, OR while I was heading home to Chicago then to work.
We all boarded the flight with the warnings that there were not enough checked bags and the overhead bins would be filling up. Thankfully, I got a seat where I could fit my backpack under the seat in front of me. Unfortunately, I had some goofy teenage boys sat next to me in the row. Oh well...I tried to sleep a bit more on the flight but I don't think I got too much. Upon landing in Chicago, I made my way to the CTA transit and off to home for a quick shower and drove on to work. As I drove, I captured the Buckingham Fountain with a rainbow while waiting for the light to change. I was pretty tired through the day but I made it through and when I got home, after eating dinner, I passed out watching Monday Night Football.
It was a fun trip and I really enjoyed Furnace Fest once again. In some ways, I am sad to see it go. It was a bit pricey though...especially comparatively to Audiofeed so I am not sad to see that money go, ha! We will see what happens with the future but I am glad to have had the opportunity to experience Furnace Fest...not just the one time it was meant to happen but three of the four times! It gave me an opportunity to see a lot of bands I wouldn't have otherwise probably ever gotten to see (or see again in some cases). Thank you, Furnace Fest!
Additional soundtrack is "Thrush" by Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster. I decided to stick with this theme as they are local to the festival. It may be the regret I have of not attending in 2022 since Maylene played that year only.
Footage filmed using an iPhone 14. This project was edited and the titles and other animations were created using Final Cut Pro X on a Mac Mini. Filmed and edited by Joel A. Swanson.