a TigerRAWk Film

Friday, November 29, 2024

Bloodline Fest 2024

As life would happen to work out for us...we decided to attend the Saturday portion of Bloodline Fest 2024 in South Bend, Indiana at The Well on Saturday November 23rd, 2024. We got up early (for us) on a Saturday and made the drive from Chicago. Unfortunately, we arrived just a bit later than intended and missed the first act of the day, NTVTY after missing the entire first night on Friday. I was bummed about that. There were some acts I'd really wish I could have caught on Friday (Joel David WeirChin Up) as well as wishing we had arrived early enough for NTVTY.

I made the promo fairly quickly...compiling short clips of each performance we captured and some of Elphie's other footage of the attendees and the open mic during dinner which was provided by Franky's Tacos in South Bend. I added a soundtrack of "Stress In The Midwest" by Terminus Victor. They also played the fest and they were a band I happened to see at Audiofeed and really liked. I also included the track for the full day summary project.

The full day summary project includes about 30 second clips from each artist that played (after NTVTY since we were late) and quite a bit of footage that Elphie captured throughout the day while hanging out in the coffee shop and some alternate takes of the artists which I used rather than my own in a couple spots.

This was probably the fastest I worked on a video project from a fest, ha! I suppose it has to do with having only attended one day of it but even if we made it to Friday as well, I'm sure I'd have been able to get the editing done pretty quickly.


Nathan K. was the first act we saw. He played in the basement and it was acoustic folky music. He had his wife of Sara Beth Go fame playing with him as well.

Sanchez Agency was next and played in the main room upstairs. I liked their sound...a sort of pop rock indie style.

Nic Gundy also played upstairs and it was a "set" of tunes from his phone and he danced around a bit.

Destroy Nate Allen was in the basement and arranged the crowd in a circle like old times so everyone was in the front row. I captured the song "Bacon" and I also used Elphie's clip of the intro/theme song in the summary video.

I decided to capture the entire set from Terminus Victor. After seeing them at Audiofeed and seeing they were on the bill for Bloodline I decided it was what I wanted to capture in full if I could. Thankfully I did make it upstairs and in a good spot to watch before they started their set. They have a bit of a grungy shoe gaze sound.

Leather Phase also played in the main room. They had an interesting set and differing sounds with each song. I captured the second one that they played.

Junia played their pop punk tunes in the basement. They might have been the loudest band to play in the basement! It was a fun set and a good message spoken during the set as well about caring for the marginalized around the world and in our communities.

Okay Omen was in the main room. I liked what they played. It had a bit of an emo, shoe gaze thing going I think.

Real Face was in the main room and played a quiet set. It is a husband wife duo with acoustic guitar and saxophone. I sort of joked that they were a ska band! I captured a song about bicycles.

During the Dinner break there was also an open mic. Elphie captured a bit of The Lionhearted performance and I captured the Hanley Twins as they ended their performance. Elphie had captured some other footage of them earlier putting a reed into a straw and trying to make it work as a whistle. I also spoke with a guy named Charles about possibly working out giving him deer hides and other parts I'd otherwise discard due to not having a personal use for them. Franky's Tacos were great! We had the opportunity to hang with quite a few friends during the break.

Hypnagogia kicked off the rest of the evening in the main room after the dinner break. He was a goth artist as well as a DJ who would play an after party in the basement later after the last band of the fest. There was also a person wearing wings dancing to the music...and would be the rest of the evening as well, ha!

Leper followed up in the main room, appropriately enough. I captured La Ca Vrei (Take What You Want) and Elphie captured Far A Bheil Do Ghath (Where Is Thy Sting?) which I used in the summary video. She also posted her own clip on the Leper Facebook page.

Sara Beth Go played the basement. She had stop motion videos for each of her songs and it was a pretty cool performance.

Oyarsa was in the main room. It was another great set of their doomy shoe gaze style. Nic Gundy joined on bass and in the song I captured, Christian Welch took the mic as well.

Jagalchi played next in the main room. I captured a song where they had some singing. I didn't see them utilize singing vocals before when I watched them at Audiofeed. It was a cool set as well.

Dead Birds closed the night in the basement playing some acoustic, folk tunes. The song I captured was about the church they said and it was a cool song.

American Arson was upstairs in the main room playing good loud rocknroll with just two people!

Meadows closed the night out. It was their first show since the unexpected passing of their bass player. I captured a song called 39x which went out to those struggling. It was a good set to end the night.

Elphie and I hung out a while after the show. Hypnagogia was DJing in the basement and when we went down, there was no one else down there, unfortunately. We could hear the music through the floor before we went down and it seemed it would be really loud but it wasn't too bad.

After we left, we stopped to charge in South Bend before heading home to Chicago where I charged again. We got home at about 2am after this.

Bloodline Fest was a good time hanging with community. It isn't the biggest event and doesn't necessarily feature the most well known names but it is a good group of folks and I am glad that it worked out to go again this year.

Additional soundtrack is "Stress In The Midwest" by Terminus Victor.

Footage filmed using an iPhone 12 and 14 and Crosstour CR-900 by Elphie and Joel A. Swanson. Titles created and project edited using Final Cut Pro X on a Mac Mini by Joel A. Swanson.

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